How cute 🥺

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So, bbgs, I've really enjoyed the 'Put it down' song 🥺 we gotta have Craig perform it. Ok? It's gonna happen. And so that y/n can watch it I'm putting him in a choir group 👍 thanks for understanding 👌👌👌(I've even got the vid up there I think)

About a week after the family reunion, I got a call from Craig while Wendy was over. Apparently Craig is a part of this choir thing and he's gonna be performing and he wants me to come! I gladly accept and he sounds excited. It's gonna be tomorrow and he's really excited for me to see it because he starts off the song. He wrote it too! My bbg is so talentle- I mean- talented 😃❤️ He ends the call and Wendy ends up having to leave. I am bored as shit so I decide to research about Craig's choir group. I search the name that he told me when I asked and it comes up with a sign up page. I don't want to sign up and steal Craig's spotlight with my amazing singing. I look at the main page and see lots of pictures of the group practising. I spot Craig in a photo and god does he look goof- I mean uhh.. great..? No but fr it seems like he's not allowed to wear his hat because in his photos he has no hat on, which is quite rare honestly. Obviously I am one of the very few people who sees him without his hat quite a lot.

The next day rolls around and Craig texts me to double check I'm coming. We talk for a bit until he has to go practise.  

I decide to start getting ready because I'm gonna have to leave soon. I pick out an outfit and then go to shower. After showering I start doing the stuff I would do in the bathroom. Then I put my clothes on and I'm out the door. I decide to leave early so that maybe, just maybe I could see Craig before. 

When I get there I call Craig and he says he's coming outside to see me. I wait a bit and then I see him coming towards me. As soon as I see him I wave and walk to him. "Heyy! How are you? Are you excited?" I ask. 

"I'm good. Yeah I'm excited." He says while he hugging me. We talk until Craig has to go back and start getting ready. I hug him goodbye and he walks back to the doors he came through.

Tim skip 👹👹

A line has formed outside the main doors and I am luckily very close to the front. I have some sort of VIP spot for guests and I have a special ticket. I get the ticket from my pocket and wait in the line for when I get to go in. I am finally at the start of the line and the worker is checking my ticket. :) She tells me where I need to go and I thank her and leave. 

I find my seat which has my name on it 🥺 right in the front row. I can barely see anyone but I do see a piano and DARKNESS 👹 

Suddenly, all the lights turn off and I see Craig come up to the microphone. Some guy sits at the piano (not Tweek though. It's gotta be changed as much as I want it to be Tweek lol.) and starts playing. I watch in anticipation before Craig starts singing.

I watch him proudly as he sings 'beautifully.' I'm really excited and happy until Cartman comes on the stage and raps about suicide. Then he blames things on Heidi. Could he be any worse of a boyfriend? (I know they would be broken up rn and I'm sorry but I'm gonna say Cartman manipulated Heidi into dating him again. 😭) They should never've gotten back together. Cartman's 'speech' finally ends and they go back to singing.

The song finally- I mean the song uhmm.. unfortunately ends and I clap and scream for Craig. I scream louder than ever and he smiles for once and waves at me.

People start leaving the theatre (I think that's what it's called?) and Craig waves me up onto the stage. 

I climb the thing and hug Craig, telling him how proud I am of him. He seems happy that I liked it, finally smiling a bit. He tells me that he's gonna go get his stuff and change back into his clothes then we can go back home. 

He finally comes back in his jacket and his hat is soaking wet in his hand. "What happened to your hat?" I look down at his hat before looking at him. 

"Those fucking idiots put their water on it." He says angrily, looking at the floor ahead of him as we walk. 

I guide people away from him because he isn't budging and I know this. "It's alright, we'll put it in the dryer when we get back to my house." I rub his back. He nods as if saying he'd like that.

Time skip to ur house

The car ride was pretty quiet, me still comforting him about his hat while holding it in a plastic bag. Right now, his hat is in the dryer and he is sitting in front of me while I play with his hair. It's not long but not exactly short either. He's still a bit mad that he doesn't have his hat but I convinced him to let me touch his hair. I can't wait to see his face when he gets his hat back.

Tim skip to when he's got his hat back 😎 (what the fuck am I saying 😎)

Craig unfortunately hears the beep from the dryer and runs downstairs to get it. He comes upstairs with his hat on his head, holding it by the sides. He looks really cute so I get my phone out and take a picture without him noticing. He is too busy being happy about his hat. I put my phone away before he notices I took a picture and he crawls into my lap when he reaches my bed. He makes himself comfortable and starts falling asleep, clutching the sides of his hat, smiling slightly. I let him sleep and he starts moving a bit. I take a picture of him on me before he comes off. I move down on the bed until I'm finally able to lie down. He cuddles more vertically into me and I hold him in my arms. I take another picture because I can and put my phone down. 

I decide to go to sleep too because he's asleep and I'm bored. I fall asleep and  neither of us wake up to the calls from his parents.

1139 words! Christmas special coming soon! Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you soon for maybe another chapter before the special :3

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now