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40 0 14

On the way to Craig's house I get a call from Wendy. I pick up and she starts blabbering about how she just went on a date with Stan and how cute it was. I got excited with her bc she's absolutely adorable 🥰  then she asks me if I'm gonna get a boyfriend soon. "I do have a boyfriend?" I say. 

"WHAT?!?! HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!? OMG LEMME GUESS WHO IT IS!" She breaks my eardrums <3 "Tolkien?" I tell her no "Kyle??" I tell her no. "Kenny?!?" I tell her no again. "UGH. I give up! Who is it?" 

I laugh and tell her. "Craig, dumbass!" I hear her jaw drop. She stutters out a few words and sighs.

"How?? You two never act like your dating!"

"He doesn't seem to be a fan of it. Apparently he's lucky to have me tho" I smirk at him. He rolls his eyes and I snicker.

"Are you with him right now?" She asks, probably knowing the answer.

"When am I not with him?" I say, laughing. I put the phone on speaker. "Say hi asshole." I put the phone near Craig. 

"No." He scoffs. Me and Wendy talk for a bit more.

We get to my house and Wendy asks if she can come over. "If Craigs ok with it then sure." I look at Craig waiting for a yes. He rolls his eyes and nods his head. "Thanks baba grill!" I kiss Craig on the cheek. "He says yes! You can come over Wendy!" I excitedly say. She squeals and hangs up the phone to get ready.   

About an hour later we heard a knock on the door. Craig gets up to answer it and I suddenly realise I look like shit :D he opens it and Wendy runs to me as soon as she can. "HIIII! OMG I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA ON THE WAY HERE, I WAS SO EXCITED TO TELL YOU!" 

"What is it?!" I look at her in anticipation. 

"We... should...... WE SHOULD HAVE A SLEEPOVER! AND INVITE THE GROUPS! CRAIGS FRIENDS, OUR FRIENDS, STANS FRIENDS, EVERYONE! THE HOUSE IS BIG ENOUGH!" I get up and we squeal together. She gets so happy when I join her squealing so I try my best to do it pretty often :D "but you have to ask Craig if we can do it here, he won't say yes to me." She whispers, I nod and walk to Craig nicely.

"Hi baba grillll :3"

"Yeah sure." He says without even giving me a chance to say what the plan was.


"I'll text the guys and see if they can come, you guys get the girls if you want."

I run over to Wendy and we squeal. We only stop when I see Craig take a picture of us squealing. "Rude." Wendy scowls 

"Very." We both roll our eyes. Craig just does a small giggle. I act like I'm excited while Wendy is texting the group chat with the girls, but actually, I'm fucking melting 😭 Craig never giggles. That was fucking adorable. Of course if I tell him that he's gonna get mad and might can the thing, but I'll keep it in mind for future arguments 😈 (just to clear the air, ones you two do for fun :D I'm not interested in having them break up anytime soon) The groups reply straight away and they're all coming. Mostly because Craig threatened them but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! 

A few hours later at about 6pm, people are knocking on the door in their pyjamas. The girls came first, then Stan's group then Craig's stupid friend group came last. Every time someone entered the house, we would cheer for them and make sure the others cheered for them too. 

When everyone got to Craig's house, we started our sleepover. "Who can cook?" I ask everyone.  3 people raise their hands. "Ok let's make food then! What do you people want?" Mixed answers of different foods come my way. "Ok.. well I'm making fucking 2 minute noodles." I hear cheers across the group. I nod to myself and walk to the kitchen with Wendy, Tolkien and Craig. We start by looking for enough packets to feet us all. (To fetus all 🤯) When we find enough, we put the first one in, but the water spills a bit so that's gonna be fun to clean up. 

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now