Things are getting cereal. 😮😬

30 1 11

I keep watching until I get a text in my family group chat. "You're all invited to come to my house next weekend! I hope you can all make it! You can swim in the pool and there will be food!" I gasp at the message and see an opportunity for everyone to meet Craig! I text back saying I'll be there and I'm gonna bring my boyfriend. Everyone is shocked by this for some reason and I get millions of texts asking why I haven't told them. They tried getting info of him so I sent them a picture of him just to show them what he looks like (why else Olivia wtf am I saying lmao 😭) They congratulate me on getting a boyfriend and I say that they should be excited to meet him. I say goodbye and call Craig. "Hey honey do you wanna come to (F/m)'s (family member) house with me next weekend? They really wanna meet you!" I say excitedly as soon as he picks up.

"Yeah sure."

"Yay! Bring your bathers, your gonna swim with me! My cousins will probably swim too, you can meet them! They're my favourite cousins, don't tell the other ones." I tell him what else is gonna happen and he agrees to drive me as well. 

The week goes by quick, school boring as ever, but still good because I have lots of friends :) Craig is excited to meet my cousins because of the way I describe them. They mostly have the same interests of him which is very cool! I'm so glad he'll probably get along with my favourite cousins! 

Finally, it's the day. I pack my stuff and Craig comes to pick me up in his kewl car. I put their address into his phone and he leaves. 

After a while we finally get there. (F/m) lives pretty far away from us. We knock on the door and (F/m) greets us with a smile. She takes me and Craig inside before everyone literally bombs Craig with questions. He answers all of them calmly with his same monotone expression and voice the entire time. That surprises them. One pulls me aside and asks me about his monotonous personality. I shrug and tell them that that's how he's been since he was a little kid. They seem surprised and we go back to everyone. They have finally left Craig alone so I take the opportunity to take Craig outside where my cousins probably are. 

We go to the pool outside and I see my cousins jumping in. As soon as we get inside the gate they greet us and start asking who Craig is. I tell them that he's my boyfriend then whisper to Craig that those are my favourite cousins, feeling his confusion. They go up to us and I slightly hug them but not all the way because they're wet and I'm still in my clothes. Craig talks with them for a bit while I get changed into my bathers. I decide to wear a one piece this time. (Y/n found the one piece 😨) I feel like it'd be weird to wear a two piece around family tbh. 

As I come out of the bathroom Craig whispers to me. "Where'd the two piece go?" I look at him slightly disturbed.

"Well that's something I didn't think I'd hear coming out of your mouth. I'm not wearing it to a family event!" I whisper back. That's actually surprising. Craig goes to get changed but then my younger younger cousin shows up. He's 12 and he's an absolute BRAT. All of us (U, any siblings u have and ur cousins) have hated him since he almost drowned c/1 (cousin 1). He immediately annoys the shit out of me. I hope Craig comes out soon..

Craig comes out in his bathers. Which are just whatever you call the shorts boys wear to swim lmao I need to get educated, when Craig comes through the fence I push the kid in the pool 'playfully' and go to Craig. "That's a/h (asshole/ annoying little cousin). Please keep him away from me, he makes me uncomfortable.." I whisper to Craig. "Keep c/1 away from him too, those two have bad history..." Craig nods at my request and jumps in. I jump in the pool shortly after. "Don't leave me Craig." I quickly catch up next to him in the water. (Meant to be going to sleep rn 😔💔) Craig rolls his eyes and slows down so I don't have to be near that kid alone. C/1 and c/2 come over to us and say how a/h has already annoyed them. We complain about him and the drowning comes up in conversation. C/1 looks mad and Craig looks horrified. We explain all the rubbish things they've done over the years and how they even got mad at my sibling for hitting him in the head ACCIDENTALLY then fucking attacked them! And that bitch knocked our ice creams into the pool and on the floor. He's a sick asshole. 

Time passes and most of us older kids hop out of the pool snd thankfully a/h stays. I dry off and go to get changed but Craig follows me with his clothes and towel. He tries to change with me since he didn't get to see me in a two piece (bro needs to chill) but I close the door on him. I change quickly then let him. I get to be in the room with him thought in case a/h comes out of the pool. I look away though. Not like I'm actually trying to see his dick 🙄🙄🙄Im just scared that I'll accidentally beat the shit out of a 12 year old. F/m calls us all for lunch after we all chat for a bit and we head to get our food. Oh my god! It's hotdogs. Again. We always have hotdogs- not that I'm complaining or anything but you know. Me and Craig go somewhere where we can eat and sit down. 

We find a place and sit with out hotdogs. We finish them quickly and we start teasing back and fourth. Eventually we stop and start talking about other things we could do. We decide to have a subway surfers challenge 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🥸🥸😎🤓🥸🥸🥸😎😎 whoever gets the highest score wins! We start playing and guess who wins? Me, obviously 😜😜 we had really close scores though. (Holy shit this might be a long one 😍 I'm prolly gonna go to sleep soon it's almost ten and I have skewl tomorrow.) We start getting bored and decide to go to the bathroom to make out because we can. As soon as the door is locked he pins me against the wall and starts kissing me roughly. I kiss back just as rough, letting out quiet muffled moans. He does the same and we end up on the floor of the large bathroom, still going just as rough. (I should go to sleep now but like I rly don't wanna in case this deletes. And I'm not tired so I guess fuck sleep I'll keep going ;-; I rly wanna get this chapter out for u guys ❤️) we don't stop until we hear the door open and our heads go up to the face of whoever opened it. (Nvm I'm tired Gn bbgs) (k she's back) Its some rando. They close the door and I reach my hand up to lock it properly. We ignore everyone talking about it and keep going. We touch, we roll, we moan! You name it. 

After about an hour we go out the bathroom after making sure we look a bit like we did before. Everyone's leaving so we decide to pack our stuff and go. On the ride back I joke about how everyone was probably so weirded out by us. 

We got home and cuddled until his dad called for him to come home.

1326 words! Omg hope u enjoyed! Just letting you know that a lot of my chapter are based on real life experiences! Yes I have an annoying cousin but he's way more than annoying. Yes he did almost drown one of my favourite cousins yesterday. He's 7, I'm 11, c/2 is older and 12 or 13, c/1 is 9 and George is 9 I think? I'm not sure about George tbh. Apparently I'm the tallest cousin now though so yay :3 and I was the only girl btw ;-; I usually am tho bc me, c/1, c/2 and george hang out whenever there's family reunions.

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now