Christmas special! And holiday reveal!

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My eyes flutter open. (Yeah I've avoided using that but idk how to start this ;-;) wow! Today was December 23rd, the group all had family stuff on the 25 so we thought we'd go to the shops today and buy gifts. We're all gonna meet up at the mall at 11 and buy presents for each other! (I was searching on google for the SOUTH PARK mall and there's an actual mall called South Park in Ohio, Texas, North Carolina and Illinois (USA) You learn something new everyday :o) 

Craiger 🖕(that's a word-?) (nvm it's craggier 😐)

You- Hey babe can you take me to the mall with you today? 😃 

Craiger 🖕- Yeah sure what time do you want me to come?

You- Just come at like 9 maybe if that works?? You can bring your stuff and just get ready here if you want lol 

Craiger 🖕- Sure. I'm gonna have some food then I'll come over. 🖕

You- Love you too dumb bitch, cya soon ❤️


Just another adorable pet name ^ 💀I smile at my phone. I'm so glad he didn't call me out on using those names! 

I get up from bed (clearly the hardest thing of the day and YES I GOOGLED IT! December 23rd will be a Saturday/has been(I've said that I'm writing this early, I actually am! I'm glad that I'm writing again bbgs ❤️))) and walk to the kitchen slowly. 

I open the pantry and grab F/ce (favourite cereal (f/ce used to not be confused with f/c, favourite colour :D)) and pour them  into a bowl. I open the fridge and grab the milk that my mum got, because no one trusts dad to get the milk 😬 and put it into the bowl on top of my cereal. I grab a spoon and quickly start eating it so it doesn't go soggy and disgusting. 

I finish my cereal and check the time, almost time for Craig to come. I turn my phone off and walk to the lounge room to watch TV. 

I turn on the TV and start watching some YouTube. 

After a while I get a text from Craig saying he's here. I run to the kitchen and unlock the door, yelling for him to give me a second before opening the door then the fly screen. (If you don't have that idc they're cool as shit)  "Hii!" I move out of the way to let him in. 

"Hi." He kisses my cheek as he walks in with a backpack in his pyjamas. I walk with him to my room and I grab my clothes from my closet and tell him that I'm gonna be changing in the bathroom and he can do the same but in my room if he wants. 

I stand in the bathroom for a bit thinking about whether I should shower or not. But suddenly I decide to shower so I strip naked and turn on the hot water. I quickly wash myself and hop out, placing a towel in front of me to not get the floor wet. I dry off and put my clothes on. I look I'm the mirror to make sure the clothes look good, they look great on me bc you are beautiful bestie ❤️ Anyway, I unlock the bathroom door and walk back to the my room, opening the door, disregarding the fact that Craig might still be changing. I walk in on him putting his shirt on but it's part men can show so idc yay. I check the time on my phone, only 9:45. We're making great time! "Alright, very sorry but I'm gonna needa go back to the bathroom." I say as I walk back to the bathroom. I hear a faint ok as I'm walking with all the things I need. 

I don't lock the door to the bathroom, I'm just doing regular morning things. I start brushing my hair but halfway through Craig comes in with a toothbrush and toothpaste. "Sorry. I've gotta do this tho and I don't wanna use your parent's bathroom." 

"Makes sense." I nod. "I might as well brush my teeth too." I get my toothbrush and toothpaste. I squeeze my almost empty tube just to get the tiniest bit of toothpaste. I squeeze harder and the rest of the toothpaste comes out. "Wow that's a lot." I say sarcastically. I give up on trying to get more and wet the toothbrush. I stick it in my mouth and start brushing as well as Craig. 

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now