I dont exactly have plans for this chapter (Im so fucking awkward)

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I'm goin to a lil waterpark with sienna tomorrow. :D (I already went) also, so sorry guys, I don't mean to be this awkward

I wake up and grab my phone straight away, cause some asshole is calling me :') I pick up and answer angrily. "What the fuck do you want??" 

"Your mum. You like F/sp (favourite sport assholes, if you don't play suck my huge penis bro) right?" I hear Tricia's voice and screaming, yay. 

"Yeah, but who the fuck is screaming at you and why are you calling me this early in the FUCKING morning?" 

"Craig is screaming, I took his phone to tell you about how there's gonna be a F/sp team at the school. I thought you might be interested." She chirps while Craig is yelling at her and chasing her, trying to get his phone back. 

"Ok.. well, I am interested but it's 6 in the fucking morning, I didn't need to get up for like an hour bro." I groan.

(It was so fun‼️We went yesterday and now she's coming over for a sleepover today X3 I'm literally so excited bro, it's gonna be my third sleepover and we made Mila jealous as much as I didn't wanna. I was also excited abt the sleepover and she's still a bit of a friend. And, Hartlee is gonna come over on Tuesday!! 9:30-11:30 she will be at my house. I might get her to rate some ships :3 anyway I gotta release this before Tuesday so it makes sense 😭)

I can only hear screaming, then heavy, fast footsteps and a door slam. "Y/n?" Craig questions.

"I'm here, what the fuck was that??" I giggle.

"What the fuck do you think? Tricia took my phone and called you, dumbass." He scoffs, walking back to his bedroom.

"Jeez, someone needs more sleep." I moodily reply and roll my eyes even though he can't see (Jesus Christ bro) "Just woke up?" My slightly mad expression softens. 

"The little shit was too loud. Sorry she called." He sighs

"It's ok, it's not your fault," I shrug. "It's not like you could do anything about it. Except for locking your door maybe..." I mumble the last part. He scoffs and I giggle. "But what are you doing today?" 

"Nothing, really. But mum and dad ARE going out for something at like 5 so I'll have to stay home or Tricia's coming wherever I go." He sighs. I hum and nod, mindlessly staring at the floor in front of me. (I have a large vocabulary teehee)    

"Could I come over?" I finally look up from the floor and instead, look around my room. 

"Yeah, but I haven't had breakfast yet so if you come now you could eat with us if your quick enough. I dunno though. You could just eat at your place and I could skip out so we don't have to be with them." He suggests.

"You not eat?? No, you gotta eat, Craig. And your gonna. I'll eat with your family if they're ok with it" I say in a high, comforting tone. 

"Babe, cmon. I appreciate the concern but I don't NEED a full meal, I can miss out on one meal, no big deal." He tries to assure me. 

"No, Craig. You do need to eat. I know its not that big of a deal but you can't just eat shit all day. Please, just eat honey, it's not that hard." I plead slightly. 

He sighs. "Fine. Come over. But we're not eating with them. We'll eat in my room." He grumbles. 

I cheer and grin. "As long as your eating! I'm just gonna get changed then I'll be over." 

"Ok, cya soon." He says, back in his usual monotone voice. 

"Love you!" I chirp back cheerily then hang up. I put my phone down and go to my closet to get the first thing I see. I quickly slip the new clothes on and pick my phone back up. I run down the stairs, closing my bedroom door behind me, Clyde screaming if he can come too while I bolt to the door. 

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now