chapter 3

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Brittany's POV

hi !!!!!! my names Brittany !!! Um I'm guessing you met the rest of the crew so .... I don't have a boyfriend BUT I have a little "fuck buddy" ....... he's apart of the "crew" and this has been going on since the begging of the school year and so yeah .... I haven't told people but I'm gonna tell you , it's Derrick . I feel bad for Kyan but I can't help it , he's just so good . Anyway I'm 17 . I'm well known in school , well the whole crew is . I talk like a white girl ,lol. But I'm Asian and white ... I really don't know what to say . Uhhhhh I have a crush on Tink but yeah I'll talk to you guys later , toodles !

Kyans POV
so Derrick asked me to get him so we could pull up to Tink house together ... He's been acting different since yesterday at the game , he's almost like the old Derrick ... I'm just gonna go along with it I don't wanna ruin it .

"hey ma" he said getting in my truck kissing me

"hey baby" I kissed back

"so you going to the drop too or you just staying at Tink house ?"

"you think I should go? Ani got me thinking about it "

"I want you to go, I hate doing drops with out you ma" he said putting his hand on my thigh "and what she say to make you do that?"

"Tink was like she said what if we got kilt or shot or something........ since you know the dudes who tried to break in the trap might be there ...."

"you right .....BUT you know how to use a gun and if ANYTHING i got ya back ma , if a nigga even think about shooting at you its over fa him"

"okay...."I looked down before pulling out the drive way .


where finally at Tink house , but I see Brittany's here 😒 lord give me the strength !

"Hey Tinky Winky" I said running and jumping on him

"stop that gay shit ma! and somebody miss they bro huh?"

"yes I did and it's not gay it's cute"

"boy names aren't 'cute' therefore it's gay" he said putting air quotes around the word cute I just laughed as I jumped off him

"hey Kyan" Brittany said I just but a fake smile

"hey bitc- I mean Britt "

"ma stawp" Tink said

"stop what ? what are you talking about ?" I acted lost he just gave that look like don't act dumb

"yall ready?" Tink asked

"yeah" we said in unison

"ite well them lil niggas gone meet us at the spot , but who riding with who?"

"I'm riding with my girl..." Derrick said

"I guess I'll right with you Tink " Terrell said

"ite , Britt you just gone drive ?"

"I mean I guess"

"ite , make sure yall niggas strapped extra bullets and all , let's go " Tink said . we all walked out side , I saw Britt staring at Derrick like Bitch fix yo eyes . Anyways we got in our cars and pulled off . we made it to the spot and the lil ones was already there .

"what's good youngins?" Terrell and Tink said in unison

"nun much waiting on yall"

"ite come on" as soon at Tink said that I pulled my bandana over my mouth got my gun ready just in case . The lil niggas had like 4 duffle bags full of weed and coke , we walked up to the other people . traded bags Tink checked to see if he had all the money . I was looking at those dudes and something ain't look right . then a dude spoke

"now" he said and his niggas pulled out there guns and started shooting so I shot one of them niggas in the head , one in the arm , another in the stomach then one of our lil niggas screamed I looked back and show he was shot in the chest . Instantly I grew mad and was shooting all those niggas till they all dropped .

"damn ma ! I think you killed they asses"Tink said

"you know I do what I do " I said pulling my bandana down blowing the tip of my gun as they laughed

"ite we gotta get him strait ... and leave the scene cause we don't need 12 on our ass" Tink say and the other lil niggas helped dude up and Tink told them take him to the trap be gone call the personal doctor . the rest of us got in our car . I sat in my truck thinking about how I just killed people kids . then Derrick said somethin.



"calm down its gone be okay ..... stop thinking about it"

"wait how yo---"

"cause I know you . I know when you thinking heavy"

"okay but I just killed somebody's child Derrick " I said about to cry

"look it's gone be okay . they tried to kill you . it was self defense "

"I guess you right" I started my car and pulled off . I stopped at the gas station cause I need something to drink .

"babe you want something out the store while I go in ?"

"I'll go with you ma"

"ite can you get the keys" he got the keys and started walking to the door with me . I went and grabbed me a sprite and some hot Cheetos with Derrick got a grape crush and some nerds .

"6.81" the man said . I pulled out my card

"nope you're not paying ."

"Derrick I ca-"

"wait you're THE DERRICK JONES ? number 7 for the Rams ?" the man asked all excited

"yes sir." Derrick pulled out his card and paid I got a lil mad . I hate when people pay for my stuff like I can do stuff for my self

"nice netting you , I hope to see you in the NBA one day"

"thanks sir " we walked to the car and got in . Derrick handed me my stuff and I rolled my eyes .

"what ma ? and what I tell you about rolling yo eyes at me ?"

"and what I tell you about paying for my stuff " I side eyed him

"idc . I'm your boyfriend . I'm suppose to pay for your shit "

"but you know I don't like that "

"oh well this been going on for 4 years now , get used to it ." I just rolled my eyes and started the car .

"what the fuck I say about rolling yo damn eyes ma."

"sorry" I pulled off . since its 12 I can't go home because my parents have this rule where if I'm not in the house by 12 then I need to find somewhere else to stay....I guess I'll go to Tink house after I drop Derrick off ... I pulled up sat Derrick house .

"bye ma" he said kissing my cheek



well well well . Kyan killed some niggas 😧 oh shit .

Derrick being nice all of a sudden ?😐

britt fuck with Kyan nigga on the low ......👀 ahh hell ..

bare with me yall .

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