Chapter 9

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Kyans pov
It's been a week since the lil thing . I haven't talked to anybody . I haven't eaten. All I do is drink Hennesy till I pass out.. Tink keeps trying to get me to do something... I went to school yesterday just because August and tink begged me. I saw Derrick and just wanted to choke him . MOVING ON ! Tinks going to Tennessee for the weekend and he's making Aug "babysit" me .. For what ? Idk , I don't do nothing but get drunk , sleep and take showers . That's it ...

"Ite ma , I'll see you Monday night" Tink said I just nodded then I decided to get up , and go hug him .."mama what's wrong?"

"I uhhhh....... Just thank you for everything" he kissed my forehead

"That's what brothers do" I let go of him "ma while im gone I need you to get out the house" I rolled my eyes "aye stop that eye shit"


"Aug I'm out !!"


"Can yall stop yelling"

"Woah , you ain't talk this much since last week" I just looked at him "Aug take care of her please"

"Ite" he left . I went straight to the kitchen and and grabbed the Hennessy and went upstairs .... In now 11:50 pm and I was soooo waste . I went down stairs , struggling then I feel .

"Ma !!! Are you okay !!?" Aug started running to me

"Shhhhhh......" I put my finger to my lips..

"Are you okay?" He whispered

"Aug , I need yoooouuuuu" I looked up at him as he laughed a bit

"For what ma ?"

"I need yooooouuuu inside meeeeeeeee"

"Nah ma , you drunk"

"Baby no I'm nooott" I started to get up and lean against him

" ma lets go put you to bed ... I think you need some rest"

"No I need you !"

"Nah me we can't do that , your drunk ..." He started to pick me up "and you need to take a shower you smell like alcohol" I just looked at him as he carried me up stairs to the bath room

"Here" he handed me a towel and wash clothe then he turned the water on

"Daddy can you stay here with me" I pouted as he starched his chin

"I guess"

"Yay!" I jumped and almost fell but he caught me I bit my lip and stared kissing him on the neck

"Ma .. I'm not gone do this while you like this , so move"

"You know you like it" I kept doing it

"Ma stop ." He pushed me off him and put me in the shower "call my name when you done" I just started taking my shower. Took my hair out its pony tail and let the water hit it ...

Aug pov
LORD!!! I did not think she was gone be like this ... I decided to hide all the Hennesy we had and then call tink cause this is to much
*phone call*

Tink: what's good youngin'

Aug: Tink , ma is beyond drunk!

Tink: *laughs* what she do ?

Aug: she trynna smash but I kept saying no cause I'm not ready fuck if she drunk .

Tink: yeah .... Just make sure you get her out the house this weekend ite ?

Aug: ite I gotta go she calling me

Tink: ite

*call ends*

"Aug !!!"


"August Alsina!!!!!!!!"

" I'm coming ma!!" I ran upstairs when I got up there she just had on a bra and a thong . She was really tempting me but I can't do this ..... "ma wea' ya clothes at?"

"I don't need any" she smirked I looked down and scratched my head

"Yeah you don't" I mumbled " aye put this on and get it I the bed ." I took my shirt off and gave it to her ... After about 20 mins of her flirting she finally put it on I picked her

"Ooooo , your strong" I laughed at how slurred her word were. Eventually I got her in the bed and got ready to leave "August can you stay in here , please I'm scared" go knows I don't need to sleep in here but I'm not trynna argue with her

"I guess ma , lemme go change"

"Hurry up !!!!!" I went to my room and got some grey sweats then went back to ky "thank yoooouuuu" I just laughed a bit next thing I know she was knocked

I woke up and ky leg was on me . I shook my head and got up . I did my hygiene shit , went to my room grabbed a white tee and some sneakers . I decided to put on my Olympic 7s . I went and grabbed some meds for my with some apple juice , then I took it to her . I put it on the night stand with a note that read "take these ma and then come downstairs" I went back down stairs and started cooking pancakes and sausage with 2 small amulets tight when I finished ma came downstairs rubbing her eyes

"Thank you for those pills"

"You welcome" I chuckled a little bit remembering last night

"What funny" she straight faced me

"You" I handed her the plate

"How and I'm not hungry"

"You going to eat ..."she sat at the table and looked at me

"How am I funny?"

"I'll tell you if you eat"

"Okay okay , say grace"

"Dear Heavenly Father , thank you for this food we're about to receive .... Amen" she took her hair tie and put her hair in a quick bun then ate "ite so last night you got drunk me you was throwing ya' self at me"

"Omg !!! I'm sooooo sorry !!!"

"It's good , you was drunk so I won't gone smash you "

"Thanks i guess" she looked down

"Pick ya head up love"she slowly picked he head up "look ma we might not be the best of friends but you need to here this...... You caint let that nigga mess up yo life . You gotta keep going . If you keep smiling and think positive that will hurt him the most . Him to see you happy is gonna hurt him so that's the best thing for you to do for yourself and for revenge . It's healthy to not eat and just drink all day and night . So with that being said , we're going somewhere today . Now go get dressed"

"Thanks bu---"

"Nope you're going no more questions" she signed and rolled her eyes

"Yo eyes gone get stuck , keep on rolling them ......" After I washed the dishes I went and got ready to go . I had on my black tee , black jeans and my gamma blue 12swith my hat ta' da' back . I went downstairs and ma was sitting on the couch with some read sweats on , high top bread 11's and a black shirt that said meow .

"Ma you ready"

"Not really"

"Come in she got up grabbed her things and walked to her side the car . I opened her door , she got in and I went to my side and got in .... Then we was out ...
Part 2 in the next chapter 😊

Excuse all mistakes !!

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