Chap. 20 Part 2

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My mind is so fucked up.. I pulled up to the house and was scared as shit to go in . Only god knows what might happen to me , like what if she don't take me back .. What if she don't let me see my child ... It's so much shit that could happen , lemme get my skinny ass in this house .

Aug: "ma!!" I yelled ass I seen everything in the house broke and heard loud cries as I walked to our room "mama..."

Kyan: "get out !!"

Aug: "ma please.. Let's talk about it" she picked something from beside her and threw it at me, let's just say ... She got good ass aim "ma, just let me talk , please " she wiped her ass and looked at me .

Kyan: "dude... what the fuck you want to talk about huh ? What the fuck you gone say ? 'Oh yeah I wasn't cheating I was just fucking this girl named Miya every night & lived with her .. Btw this been going on for about 2 months , I also pay her house and car note but it's okay I'm not trynna hurt chu'.... Fuck outta here with that bruhbruh , and to only think yo ass loved me "

Aug: "don't say that ma-"

Kyan: "I'm not your ma, it's Kyan when you talking to me" I shook my head an ran my hand down my fave. I can't believe I fucked up like dead ass why the hell would I even do that I'm so fucking dumb!! "And as far as I'm concerned, we only need to see each other at the appointments , after I give birth to your child I don't wanna see you I'll drop the baby off with my mom and you can go get her from there .."

Aug: "Kyan plea-"

Kyan: "No August .. I don't wanna here your sorry ass explanation, you lucky as SHIT I'm pregnant cause I would beat your ass right now, now get all your shit and get out my damn house" I looked at her and it just hurt me so bad , a nigga wanted to cry. To see the pain in her eyes just broke my heat . I grabbed some clothes and got ready to walk out but decided to go to her ..

Aug: "I'm sorry... Love you ma " I whispered in her ear then kissed her forehead then walked down stairs.

Kyan: "leave the key" I looked at it the took it off the ring an sat it on the counter , I turned around looked up the steps then left.

Do you even know how BAD I'm hurt ? It's fucking the day before graduation, I'm exactly 6 months pregnant , extremely excited I got expected to every school I applied for then this big ass bomb gets dropped on me. But you know what , Ima do my lil hour or 2 of crying and keep it moving . Not only for me but for the baby .. And yes i did fuck up the house ... I broke every single thing that was able to be broken, including pictures of me and August .. Mirrors , tvs, plates, cups, vases, my phone, I almost broke a window.. But now I'm a little more relaxed . I have to remember I have a child in my stomach. Hold on my phone is ringing.

Kyan: *sniffles* hello?

Tink: what the hell, are you crying?

Kyan: I just finished .

Tink: why?

Kyan: so me and August been arguing a lot lately and he always leaves me so the last few times I asked was he cheating he kept saying no then I called him today cause he doesn't say at home any more but ANYWAY .. I called and this  girl gets on the phone an starts telling me how they're together, been together for about 3 months , lived together for 2 and all this other stuff so instantly I loose it .

Tink: damn..... That's my fam and all but he fucked up, big time. Where his ass at ?

Kyan: I don't know and don't give a fuck . He not my priority, he don't even live with me anymore so fuck that nigga!

Tink: aye.... I'm ready come over yo crib cause we gotta talk face to face .

Kyan: okay

Tink: you hungry?

Kyan: nigga I'm fucking pregnant don't you think I'm hungry !

Tink: you want Chinese and pickles?

Kyan: oh yes

Tink: ite I'll see you in 30 mins

Kyan: bye


Lord have mercy... Why did this happen to me ? After all he seen me go through you STILL does this like it don't make since .. None of this is adding up to me .. Great , Mel texted me ...

Mel 😈💉- you good ?

Kyan💙💉-  as good as possible..

Mel😈💉- lord , what happened ?

Kyan💙💉- oh nothing... I just found out the day before my graduation your brother has been cheating on me an also lives with another female.

Mel😈💉- don't think about him right now okay ma, just think about positive things. Try not to stress, at least for the baby please

Kyan💙💉- okay, you here ?

Mel😈💉- hell yeah, I won't gone miss yo graduation for nothin'

Kyan💙💉- awe, lolol. I'll see you tomorrow .

Mel😈💉- ite ma eat something and get ya rest

Kyan💙💉- will do

Mel😈💉- ite patna'

After that we stopped texting soon after somebody rung the doorbell .. I DO NOT feel like getting up , Jesus .

Kyan: "who is it !"

Tink: "Mary and Joseph from heaven ..... Who you think it is !" I opened the door . "How you feelin' ?"

Kyan: "Great !!!" I put up a Irritated smile .

Tink: "wtf happened to yo crib ?"

Kyan: "when I was all in tears an shit I went crazy"

Tink: "tomorrow after graduation we cleaning up "

Kyan: "uggggghhhh!!!"

Tink: "uggggghhhh, I don't care!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed us some forks "roll em' again" i stale faced him as he laughed .

Kyan: "so what's there to talk about ?" I asked as I started to eat at the counter.

Tink: "uhh.... Are you going to talk to August ?"

Kyan: "doubt it"

Tink: "just hear his side"

Kyan: "so I can listen, feel so sorry for him, fall for his trick an take him back just so I can go through this all again ... Nah I'm good"

Tink: "I'm not saying you gotta take him back just at least hear what he gotta say , I'm not on his side or saying he was right but you can't just go off what the girl said you gotta at least her the other side of the story"

Kyan: "I guess you right but I don't want to talk to him right now i need some time . Like , idk"

Tink: "ite, now after you eat please go fix yo self up , I know you in ya depression an all but it just happened this morning"

Kyan: *laughs* "sorry"

Tink: " you straight , you just almost scared a nigga " I hit him in the arm "shit!"

Kyan: "that's what yo ugly ass get !"

Tink: "I'll take my food back and leave if you'll like ?"

Kyan: "no no no..."

Tink: "thought so"

I laughed a bit , I checked the Time and saw it was only like 4:00 ... This day going slow . But after we ate an talked he left , I decided to do my hygiene stuff then turn my phone off cause I was tired of August texting and calling me . GOOD NIGHT YOU GUISE!!!
Well well well..

Kyan took it better that you expected or worse ?

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