Chapter 10

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Aug pov
So I got ma out the house and took her to a dog shop

"The hell" she looked at me lost

"I wanted to look at some dogs"

"Uhh....... Okay"she got ready to open her door but I stopped her

"Whachu doin?"

"Opening the door, that's what normal people do if they want to get out the car" she said as if I was slow

"Look 1st off Ian slow so don't talk to me like dat again, 2nd when you riding with me you don't open no doors , ite? Good." I got out the car went to her side and she opened the door so I shut it "I just told you , yo ass ain't lifting a finger ." I opened it back an helped her out

"Why I can do things on my own!"

"Call yo mean ass down ! I ain't Derrick you ain't gone walk all ova me, you betta talk to me like you got some damn since" she paused ,then looked to her left

"...... You ain't my daddy ."

"Shut up , damn!"

"......" I walked to the doors leaving her , soon after she came in and looked around

" I like dat Pitt."

"Oh my gosh , oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!!!!" She yelled

"What ma?"

"I gotta get that dog!!can you take me to the bank !!"

"No" her whole face changed

"Why " she straight faced me

"Ima pay for it "

"No you not , I don't need a nugga to provide fa me , I make my own money . I don't need yours . So keep ya lil cash for some hoes or something "

"Why you always shutting people out huh? It's like nobody can be nice without you feeling a way. Nobody can care about you without you questioning it"

"People don't give a FUCK about you or your feeling , remember that . NOBODY cares aug , NOBODY !"

"What if somebody does , then what ? What if somebody does give a fuck ? What happens then?" I look at her in the eyes

"Nothing ...." She looked away "cause nobody will" I shook my head . I walked to the counter and told the man I was gone get the dog and come back later to get it without ky ...

"Aug can we go now ?" I whispered a few more things to the man

"Yeah come on ma" we walked outside I oped her door then got in

"Where you wanna go?" I asked

"It don't matter" I drove to a cupcake shop. Then we got out .

"How you know I like cupcakes"

"Honestly I didn't, a nigga wanted a cupcake that's all" I opened the door and she walked in


" umm hi, how may I help you sweetie" I chuckled a bit , I know she ain't trynna flirt with me

"I want a............. Uhhhh" I looked at the menu "red velvet cupcake"

"Okay cutie that'll be $3.05"

"Ok" I handed her my card ..

"You have some sexy tattoos" she bit her lip

"Ma'am ... Wipe the droll off the side of your mouth" she wiped it fast "and stop flirting for you get fired" I took my card and box waited for ma

"What you want" the lady asked ky

"Who you talking to? Me ?! Nah not with that disrespectful tone of yours" she was a lil mad and the girl looked scared "so let's try this again baby girl "

"How are you?" They lady asked

"Umm fine"

"What would you like?" I laughed at how ma just fixed her ass like that

"Red velvet I guess"

"Okay , your total is $3.05" she pulled out her card but I beat her too it and paid

"Aug , I can pay for my own shit"

"How many times Ima tell you to shut up "


"Oh ok" she grabbed her box and went to the car since we was like an hour from the house I just went there

We pulled up and got out.

"Thank you Jesus"

"What ?"

"I had to use the restroom , now we're home" ms said

"Oh go ahead .. I gotta make a quick stop somewhere I'll be back in a few"

"K k" I left to go get the dog .... I got a silver dimond bowls and leash for it then put the stuff in the car an headed back home . I hope she like this dn dog cause it caused me 2,500 .. (Dog in media with August)

I pulled up at home I oped the and sat the dog down . It ran to Kyan , then she screamed

"Omg !!!!!" I smiled

"You like it ?"

"I love it !!!! Aug you didn't have to that !!!! Seriously I'm fine without a dog but thanks ."

"Nah ma , you wanted it , you got it . I just wanna see you happy and smile ."

"Oh my god !! Thanks Aug!" She ran and hugged me . I just hugged back . After a while we was still hugging till she let go "you don't know how happy you made me , even though you pa-"

"Ma shut up !!!"

"Okay... Thanks" she took some picks of it and I took a pic of it with me and post it on Instagram

Caption- I do anything to make her happy ..😏❤️

As soon as I post it everyone was commenting "who" but I ain't say nothing ... I just say on the couch beside ma .

"Let's watch a movie !!!" She got a lil excited

"Okay what movie ma?"


"Ite , ite calm down " I turned the movie on

"So what's the dog name ma?" I asked as all the previews came on

"Uhhh , coco.... NAh!" She looked into space thinking I just laughed

"What about fendi ?"

"Omg yes !! her name is fendi "

" okay ma *laughs*" after that we watched the movie till we fell asleep


Excuse all mistakes !!!

Aug set ky straight 😂

Ky set that lady straight 😂😂

The caption was cute though 😊

-Kennedy 💛😎

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