Chap. 22

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It's the day before my appointment. I haven't been out the house . All I do is lay down , eat , look at aug's Twitter and Instagram page & shower. The other day me and Tink cleaned up , and that's just about all I did. He comes and checks on my everyday & today he said he getting me out the house like I don't want to go ... But I just finished doing my hygiene shit. Since its June I guess I'll put in some shorts. I put on grey sweat shorts, pink tank top and some converse .. Nothing special, then I brushed my hair to the back and put it in a pony tale as I put my hat on. I didn't feel like wearing make up, I looked in the mirror an signed out loud then my door opened .

Tink: "you ready ma?"

Kyan: "what if you opened the door and i was naked! You need to knock !!"

Tink: "mane shut up and come on"

Kyan: "who you talking too?! And no I look fat !" He signed and grabbed my hand pulling me out my room..

Tink: "Lord.." He mumbled .

Kyan: "sorry" I said as I got in the car .

Tink: "I know I know , it's the mood swings you good"

Kyan: "So where we going ?"

Tink: "meet up with Terrell then the mall"

Kyan: "oh ok , him and Cyani still getting married ?"

Tink: "nah but they still together , he moved out too, but he be at her house a lot"

Kyan: "Oh wow, is he coming with us ?"

Tink: "yeah him and princess"

Kyan: "sounds........ Fun" we pulled up at a house "who live here?"

Tink: "Terrell"

Kyan: "Oh ok" he blew the horn and terrell came out the house with princess I front of him .. She's getting so big and pretty , looking like her daddy .

Terrell: "wussup yall"

Tink&kyan: "hey"

Terrell: "princess stop being shy and she hey " me and Tink looked back at her as she sat in her car seat an rubbed her eye .

Princess: "Hi..." I just smiled .

Terrell: "So we going to Phipps ?"

Tink: "yeah"

*at the mall*

Tink: "I know you my sister and all but damn yo ass got fatter" Terrell bust out laughing .

Terrell: "on some real it did" I shook my head

Kyan: "stop looking at my ass"I was holding princess then she started talking but I ain't know what she was saying , I just smiled . Then she poked my stomach "what" I giggled as she kept poking my tummy "it's a baby in there.

Princess: "Nuh uh"

Kyan: "Yes huh" I tickled her as she laughed "here go to your daddy " I put her down , she was getting heavy . She started walking back to Terrell as she smiled and clapped . Seeing her made me so happy i was pregnant .. I rubbed my stomach and the baby started kicking "Tink my baby is kicking !" I yelled in the middle of the store be walked over to me an put his hand on my stomach and the stopped .

Tink: "mane they trynna be funny"

Terrell&Kyan: "they ?..."

Tink: "you want say if it's a girl or a boy so right now it's fucking they ." My phone went off , I looked at it thinking I was getting a text but it was a notification saying August tweeted something . I went and read it ..

-@augustalsina cherish every moment because it's no telling when the person you cherish it with will be gone ..

I find it funny how all of a sudden he's like Paster Alsina , maybe he should've used his own advice when he could . Tink knocked me out my thoughts trynna show me some Jimmy Choo sneakers .

Tink: "too! Kyan to earth ! Kyan to planet earth !"

Kyan: "what what what !"

Tink: "hol' up who yo lil ass yelling at ?"

Kyan: "you !"

Tink: "tuuuuh.. Yeah okay" he rolled his eyes "you think I should get these ?"

Kyan: "yeah those are cute"

Tink: "don't say that bout something I'm ready by fa my self that make it sound gay"

Kyan: "who cares..."

Tink: "Aaron James" I laugh going to sit down as he paid for the shoes , then my phone goes off ..

-@augustalsina In a short moment of time, our souls intertwined. You try to hide it, but you can't deny it

August was so right .. The past week I've been trying to act like it was never anything there and he knows that .. When deep down inside it was so much more . Although I've been feeling the way I feel doesn't mean I'm ready to go back running to him.. I'm know where near ready for that . Wait princess is tapping me .

Kyan: "yes love?"

Princess: "hi!" I just smiled and stood up . We kept looking around . I ended up getting some sneakers , heels , and a couple dresses for after I have this baby ... Now we're getting food! Yay!!!!

So I just pulled up at Kyan house.. Since I was going to be around her I didn't want to be drunk sooo, yeah. I walked up to the door and she opened it looking like .. I don't even know she just look so sexy .

Kyan: "are you gonna let me go to the car or your just gonna stand her and stare at me like we've never met ?"

Aug: "I'm sorry ma" I walked to her aside of the car and opened her door.

Kyan: "I could've did it my self , ion need to help now. And it's Kyan to you" I took a deep breath an walked to my side an got it .. The WHOLE ride to the doctor was silent . All she did was look out the window . As soon as I pulled up she got out . Like damn..

Nurse: "do you have and appointment?"

Kyan: "yes ma'am.. Kyan Linn"

Nurse: "Alright Dr.Sheer should be out in like 10 mins." Me and her went to sit down but she wouldn't sit beside me . The whole time she was actin like she had a attitude, I hate we gotta be like this.. On the other hand this 10 mins feel like 1 hr.. Why the hell is it tasking her ass so long .

Dr.Sheer: "Kyan linn?" We both stood up and walked to her "how are you love birds -"

Kyan: "we're not together . He's the baby's father and that's as far as I'm going with him ."

Dr.Sheer: "well.... Hope up on the chair for me and lift your shit a bit .." She did as told , I just watched the doctor as she hooked up everything. " you ready to find out the sex?!"

Aug: "yeah , it's a girl"

Kyan: "I'm excited and got a feeling it's a Boy.."

Dr.Sheer: "Well here it goes !" She turn the monitor for us to see then she went to moving the thing around "it looks like ........"

Haha ! You thought I was ready put it, Lolol.

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