chapter 4

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Tink pov
so it's like 12:50 I'm just sitting here watching tv smokin weed when I heard my doorbell go off .. what the hell .

"who the fuck is this" I said under my breath as I grabbed my glock before opening my door

"hey Tink" ky said then she stopped as she saw my gun

"ma what you doing her ?" I put the gun down

"you know I can't go home after 12 "

"oh shit I forgot, well you know where my shirts at and you know where you keep your regular clothes at"

"Tink can I sleep in your room , this house is to big for me"


"thanks Tink"

"no problem ma" she went and changed then came back in my room with one of my white tees and some long silly socks

"good night Tink" she said as she got in the bad turning her back to me

"night ma" about 5mins later I heard her light snores luckily she don't snore loud . Her ass was sticking out , me being the nigga I am I looked and my shirt stopped on the middle of her ass and you could see her underwear , ma had on a thong ! lord .... I closed my eyes and went sleep .

Kyan pov
I woke up with Tink against me .. I really didn't care cause that was like my brother . But I went to bathroom while he slept and brushed my teeth and took my hair out of it pony tail. I started getting hungry so I went downstairs and started cook breakfast . I made some Belgian waffles with some bacon and scrambled eggs . Just when i was cooking the eggs Tink came downstairs

"mm Ma do I smell food, cause a nigga hungry !"

"of course yo ass hungry , always is and Yes you smell food but don't touch nothing !!!"

"I could get used to this .... you wanna come live with me " I slightly laughed

"I'm good for now" I started thinking "and I don't think Derrick would like me sleeping in ya bed w/ ya tee on and cooking you breakfast"

"but you my sis ..."

"that's things couples do Tink" I laughed a bit

"you right . well I gotta tell you something "


"1st don't what yo big bro , 2nd my cousin for Nola coming on Friday so I want yall to be nice"

"you have to give respect to get respect , but I gotchu Tink "


"well let's eat" I said as I fixed our plates and give him his

"thanks ma"

"you welcome" he got ready to eat "what are you doing ? you ain't bless ya damn food"

"DEAR GOD , let's eat AMEN!" he said i just shook my head and started eating

"how old your cousin ?"

"he 17 .. he gone work at the trap too "

"okay ... I got a feeling he gone be arrogant just like yo conceited ass"

"maybe , maybe not"

"oh lord ...."

"well you still got a week to work on your anger problems cause it's Sunday "

"I'll try" I said getting up to put my plate in the sink . Tink did the same so I just went ahead and washed the stuff .. went upstairs to shower and change

"Ima go take a shower Tink "

"ite ma"

I went and saw some of my sweats and tee in the drawer where I keep my stuff . I got some under clothes and went in the bathroom .

while I was in the shower I let the water hit my hair so my hair curled up ... after I got dressed I went downstairs and saw Tink otp so I went and put my shoes on and went up to him (outfit in media)

"let's go somewhere!!" I said pouting . he put is finger up saying hold on . he said like 3 more words then hung up

"where you wanna go ma ?"

"hmmmmm." I put my finger on my chin looking into the empty space as he laughed

"lil kid ass"

"let's go to Lenox !"

"ite let's go" we left and got in his car....

Tink POV
so we just pulled up at Lenox I decided to let the people park for me . as soon as we got to the mall Kyan started yelling

"OMG Tink !!!!! the cupcake atm!!"

"I know ma I see it" I smiled at how excited she was

"I gotta buy a cupcake !"

"ite come on" we went over to it she waited in line and she got her a cupcake . the first store we went in was the ugg store ...

"Tink you like these?" ma said holding up some baby blue uggs with buttons on the side

"yeah, they would look sweet with yo white trues"

"ite Ima get them and these too" she said getting some low purple uggs with a black sole

"this nice too"

"that's why I'm getting them , duh use ya brain Tink "she went up to the register and the lady went to the back to grab her size in the shoes .

"awe you and him are so cute" the lady said I just laughed while my looked at her with a stale face .

"that's my brother ..." she said with a straight face

"oh my bad, you must be buying these for your lil sister or something ..... that's so sweet" the lady said again I laugh a lil more cause this lady keep assuming shit she gone make ky hit her ass

"no the shoes are for me . now can you stop guessing shut and mind ya damn business" she started getting mad

"ok your total is $203.78"

"ky you want me to-"

"no , I can pay my self ."

"ite you can pay ya self"she paid and we left . she made me hold he bag as we went in the Burberry store . she was trying on stuff left and right . I just sat there and watched . she came out with a baby blue shirt that matched her uggs so she got that and then she say this tan p coat so she got that
then we left .. after a few hours of shopping we left it was around 3:30 so we went to get some food

"what you want to eat mama?"

"chipotle "

"ite" we got there and we ordered

"13.50 is your total" the boy said

"oh we need separate-"

"no we don't" I gave him my card to pay she rolled her eyes

"you and Derrick need to stop that ."

"ite that's my last Time . you don't know how bad it was hurting me seeing you pay fa yo shit "

"oh well"


Ky and Tink spent the night and day together ?

what if Derrick found out , think he'll be mad ?

FYI aug in the next chapter😊

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-Kennedy 💚

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