Chap. 17

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Brah brah !!! I got a photo shoot today!! It's nothing major but it's still good for beginners .. I ain't tell August and I know he's gone want to come .... I started to get out the bed to take a shower but I woke aug...

Aug: "Ma where you going ?"

Kyan: "I gotta run some errands then when I come back we going to your moms so pack your bag ."

Aug: " wait for what ? Why we going there? "

Kyan: "remember when I told you I talked to mel... Well he told me bring you roun' thea"

Aug: "you know it's real when you start talking like me but ite I'm ready shower"

Kyan: "ummm, I was actually ready shower" August smirked and walked to the bathroom "excuse me sir ... But what the hell Is you doing ?" He started taking his clothes off and turned the water on

Aug: "we getting in together"

Kyan:" pause " I stuck my hand in his face then he moved it

Aug: "nah ain't no pause take my shirt off and get yo ass in the shower" I just stared at him "Kyan come on !" I took his shirt off and got in since I ain't have nothing under it ..

Kyan: "August I ain't got time to be fucking with you I gotta go " he started touching me from behind then whispered in my ear

Aug: "let daddy take care of you" chills went down my spine as I got goose bumps off his words . He didn't waste time either , he slide inside of me with no hesitation ..

Kyan: "hmmmm" I had to stand on my tippy toes cause I was too small . Water ran down my back as he went in and out of me . He picked me up and put me on the wall, I was starting to get out of breathe as we both can then he got out ... I hate when he does that.

Aug: "so what time we gotta go?"

Kyan:"well it's around 9:30 I'll be back around 1:00 then we're leaving"
I dried off as he came back in.

Aug: "damn ma, I always wondered why you was my girl but now it's clear .." I shook my head grinned then walked out.

Kyan: "trav and smoke coming while I'm gone ... It's fruit on the fridge and frozen waffles in the freezer ." I grabbed his face, pulled him to my level and kissed him..

Aug: "butt butt do you have to leave?" I laughed.. He been calling me buttbutt for a while, I don't mind but he call me so many things he just need to pick one

Kyan: "yes Anthony, I'll be back" I grabbed my keys and walked away

Aug: "buttbutt!!!"

Kyan:"yes?!" I ran upstairs real quick to see what he wanted

Aug: "you look so damn sexy" he licked his lips

Kyan: "boy go sit" I slightly pushed him and he grabbed me then started sending kisses all over my face while I scrunched it

Aug: "I love you beybeh" he kissed me one more time on my nose

Kyan: "I love you too" I walked off and he smacked my butt. The nigga left a print on my leggings " bye Anthony"

Aug:" bye mama"

I finally left good this I got up
Early ... I can't be late in the first day....
OMG!!! My shoot was amazing !! Like AMAZING !! I'm so excited to
The point where if I walk Through those doors to that house aug gone think
I'm cheating so I'm gonna tell him , and show him the pictures mean while I'm ready hit up chipotle, ya girl is hungry ..
I decided to get aug stuff to so he won't cry ...


Kyan: "AUGUST !!!" He still won't answering so I sat the food down and went upstairs. "Auggie!?"

Aug: "huh?!" I took a deep breath as I walked in the room

Kyan: "August you scared me !! I kept calling you and you won't answering .. I-I" he cut me off with a kiss.

Aug: "sorry ma" he pulled me on his lap and looked at me..

Kyan: "I bought you some food"

Aug: "woe' whachu get a nigga?" He stood up an put me down .. I walked out the room as i answered... After a while we ate then he put the bags in the truck

Kyan: "okay you got all your things? Make sure you got any mess you need, tooth brush , underwear, mess, al-"

Aug: "okay mom" I laughed to myself and got in the passenger seat he came to my door and opened it .

Kyan: "uhh yes?"

Aug: "I could've swore I told you if you with me you ain't opening doors... "

Kyan: "but I just did" he rolled his eyes and shut my door ... "You're really mad about that ?" He gave me that look .. Then turned the car on

Aug: "nah Ian mad"

Kyan: "August it's not that deep, it's just a door"

Aug: "that you should've waited for me to open" I took a deep breathe , this ready be a long ass ride....


I know I know 😩 I been a lil mia

Short chapter though 😊

Kyan first shoot in media

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