Chap. 23

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Dr.Sheer: " it's a girl !!" I Started cheesing my heart out ..

August: "I knew it !" I smiled thinking about her .. How she's gonna be .. Her being a spoiled brat and a daddy's girl , allat stuff .. I'm just so happy . Then it hit me , me having to explain why her parents aren't together, why her dad only sees her on certain days .. Well when the time comes, I'll be straight forward instead of lying ..

Dr.Sheer: "well your baby is as healthy as can be , your estimated due day is September 1st .."

Kyan: "awe she's gonna be a Virgo ! But okay can I get the ultra sound pictures ?"

Dr.Sheer: "yes , and from your notes it says you want to have a natural birth ? Which means you're giving birth in water , unless it comes to a point were a C-section is needed ?"

Kyan: "correct"

Dr.Sheer: "okay let me get you your pictures"

Kyan: "thank you" Shortly she came back with the pictures . I left out the room and went the car .

August: "You hungry ?"

Kyan: "I'll eat when I get home .." He signed and started the car . Keysha Cole- should've cheated came on I just sung it as I looked out the window tearing up a little ..

Kyan: "I should've lied, I should've cheated, Maybe i should've went out to the club, Or maybe I.... Should have done it . Should've given away all my love.." I looked over at August as I seen how hurt he was "Or maybe I .. I should've played you, cause you don't appreciate me, no . And I tried to stay down with you but your making it hard for me "

Aug: "I'm so sorry ma.. I'm sorry" I just shook my head and looked out the window and kept singing .

Kyan: "I might as well threw my love away" I got out the car going to my front door unlocked it . Went upstairs as fast as I could and cried . I called Tink & told him bring me some food , I told him what happened and all so I'm just waiting on him .. Speak of the devil.

Tink: "ma!!!!"

Kyan: "stop yelling I have a head ache" I said walking downstairs .

Tink: "how you feelin' ?"

Kyan: "I guess a lil better"

Tink:" so what exactly happened ?"

Kyan: "So I was in the car and Keysha Cole- should've cheated came on , I sung the words , got emotional , August kept saying sorry then when he got in the drive way I opened the door and said ' I might as well threw my love away ' then I walked off"

Tink: "oh damn.. How's the baby "

Kyan: "she's doing good" I smiled as his eyes got big .. "Yes I said she"

Tink: "I got a niece !!" He started yelling  through my house .

Kyan: "hey hey hey ... I told you , I have a head ache"

Tink: "sorry" I just smiled

Kyan: "would you take the honors and be her god dad ?"

Tink: "of course" I smiled so wide then my door bell rung .. Who the hell ?...

Kyan: "who is it !?"

Terrell: "Tsmooovvvveee" I laughed as I opened the door .

Kyan: "hey ! Where my god baby ?"

Terrell: "with her mama"

Kyan: "Oh...... Well lemme go change cause I know yall want to go somewhere" I went upstairs an took a quick shower , did my hygiene shit , hooked up my flat iron to straighten my hair ... I also decided to we're make up . I went & put on some under clothes , then went to pick out my outfit, I put on some lotion then put on my high waist ripped jean shorts , blue tank top, Washington Nationals baseball jersey, with some high top Air Force ones , when I finished my hair an make up I sprayed my Chanel perfume August bought me lol. I walked down stairs to the boys playing the game , typical .

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