Chapter 15

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*1 year later*

Kyan pov
MY NIGGA WE FINNA GRADUATE !!!!!!! And Ima auntie ! Like I'm so turnt ! Me and August still together , surprisingly ! Uhh well I havent talk to yall in 1 year !! Last time we talked was when me and August fucked for the first time now us Fucking is beyond normal lol . I been modeling actually , I never thought about it till somebody asked . Aug dropped out of school . Derrick died , he we found dead in his car ... Brittany , fuck her lol but she transferred schools cause she sucked so much dick she failed the 11th grade . Cyani and Terrell are the cutest thing ever !! Then princess is even cutter with her fat cheeks! Tink .... He uhh well a couple months ago some niggas came to the trap and shot him but of course we was strapped so we blew all them niggas . He doing better now he just can't walk as good but he working in it. August made me stop working at the trap because of that, he don't want me doing anything . He wants to get the money and pay the bills , yes I said pay bills ... We live in a 4 bedroom house with an upstairs, downstairs and basement. so this modeling thing is a secret .But yeah !!! It's ALSO A WEEK BEFORE MY SENIOR PROM!! Like I'm so excited !!! I tricked aug into going even though he don't go to school know more .. Hold up , Mel calling me
*phone call*

Mel- hey mama

Ky- hey mel !

Mel- calm yo hypa' as down

Ky- what you need?

Mel- get August here this Friday , mama having a big cook out and she miss yall ( oh yeah mama moved back to Nola she said it won't really for her here )

Ky- okay . You out those streets, you know I don't want yall in the streets it ain't safe "

Mel- mama im fine ite, just get young out the streets... He got potential to something one day . He caint let these streets take his life

Ky- okay . Tell the girls and them I said hey !

Mel-ite mama

Ky- bye love you

MMel- wait !

Ky- yes ?

Mel- don't Eva leave Aug . No matter what he do ... He needs you in order to live ... Trust me I know this , that's my brother and love you too

Ky- I won't

*phone call ends*

For some odd reason his last words had me thinking . I never knew it was so much love in between 2 people. It's actually amazing ! Like Aug is my pride and joy!!! I couldn't leave him if I tried.

Aug: "mama !!!" He came running bind me picking me up .

Kyan: "put me down!!" I laughed at him

Aug: "I missed you !!!"
He kissed me all over and then put me down .

Kyan: "I was just in the bed with you Anthony" I started putting away dishes

Aug: "ma that was 20 mins ago!!" He sat me on the counter and started kissing my neck

Kyan: "babe ..." He started kissing my spot "we have to princess birthday party ..... So stop"

Aug:" how much time we got ?" I looked at my phone it was 11:38

Kyan:" we got 2 hours ... And August I swear if we're late you not getting nothing tonight "

Aug: "ite .." He took me up stairs and you know the rest

We showered and get dressed . I put on some black leather shorts , a white and pink shirt with some pink heals . Aug had on black and white . He grabbed the gifts we got while I used the bathroom , I been feeling sick lately ion know what's going on ...

Aug: "you straight babe?" I slightly brushed my teeth and came out the bathroom

Kyan: "yeah babe I'm straight" he put his arm around me as we walked to the car . He started the car then pulled out the drive way ."oh yeah I talked to mel.."

Cyani pov
Hey !!!!!!! It's my baby's 1st birthday . Omg she's growing up so fast !! So let me catch yall up . I no longer talk to my mom , my dad said we need to talk but it's nothing I honestly need to say. Me and Terrell have the best life ever ! My baby girl really woke us up. Her Name is Princess Alena Love , was born April 20th . She's a spoiled brat . Her daddy buys her every single thing . He get the new Jordan's she get them too. he get a polo shirt she get one too. When she get older and get in trouble she just gone run straight to him. But it's cute how they have that lil bond . The other day we took princess for her first birthday photo shoot since her dad ain't want no regular pictures ..(mm)
I'll talk to you guys later.

Cyani:"Hey mama !!!!" I ran to Kyan and hugged her

Kyan: "hey !! Where's my favorite god daughter ?"

Cyani: "she's with her daddy of course"
Aug walked up with some big ass bags "hey aug...."

Aug: "wussup..... Here these for princess"

Cyani: "thanks" me and August don't really talk much . A few months back Terrell was out of town and his mom had princess so I went to Kyan house but she was at the store so I just stayed and waited, it was just me and August ... he ain't have on a shirt , all he had in was some sweats and he was so cute so I had decided to flirt with him but he won't with it ... That's when I kissed him and stuff and he pushed me then started yelling at me ... I don't understand why he did that though ... Every since then he try's to stay as far away from me as possible . Moving on . Terrell came to the back yard with princess and everybody said hello and ate ... Finally it was time for the gifts ..

Kyan: "hey aunties little stinka!!! Me and uncle aug got you a whole bunch of stuff !!" She started smiling and clapping , Kyan just smiled back . Aug pulled out all these clothes , toys , they even got her at least 5 pairs of shoes ...

Cyani: "thanks mama but you didn't have to do all of this "

Kyan: "no no . That's my god baby , she deserves the world "

Terrell: "thanks ! Well now that all of yall are done it my turn to speak " everyone got quiet and sat "so as yall know I love both of these woman with my heart . If I lost them I would be mentally and physically dead . I can't function with out them . Cyani..... You do so much for me and our little one and I just want to thank you for that . All these other girls in this world could never amount to you " I cut him off

Cyani: "where are you going with this ?"

Terrell: "let me finish damn" everybody laughed " okay , I could fuck every woman in this world but it wold never be as good as you , nor will I have the same love for them that I have for you " he got Down on one knee and I started screaming and tearing up .. He pulled out the box and opened it " Cyani Lena Jordan, will you marry me ?"

Cyani: "oh my gosh !!!!!! Yes yes yes!!!! He slid the ring on my finger and I kissed him everyone said their awe's and cheer . We cut the cake then after that the party was over ... I can't believe I getting freaking married !!!!!!!"
Oh wow .......

I felt it was getting boring so I skipped a year 😊

But Kyan sick.... Oh lord .

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