Chapter 8

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Terrells pov

Ayyyeeee !!! My nigga I got a baby on the way !!! I know that's weird me introducing my self for the first time talking about a baby. Well I'm 17 1/2 . Me and cyani been kicking it for a min and now we got this baby coming I want to make her my girl friend cause I really do love her I was just always scared of relationships . Why ? Cause I see how niggas hurt these females and ion wanna do that . But this baby gave me a wake up call to get my life together ... But anyway im a cool ass dude . I'm a people person when you catch me in a good mood , I'm always high . And yeah that's me.... I'm talk to yall lata !

Aug pov

So ma walked off on me today .. If she keep fucking with me Ima have to set her strait .. These girls was trynna talk to me but I won't wit it. They just some hoes , prolly got niggas running all through they shit . Anyways !!! The ride to tink house was awkward .

"Aug you wanna go to the game ?"

"Oh... Uh yeah " he looked at me like I was crazy "Ima go change"


Derrick pov

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh , fuck" Britt moaned ass I rammed in her

"I told you ass stop fucking with me !!"I smacked her ass


"I believe I deserve an apology"

"I-I-M sorry " I pulled her hair

"What's my name"

"Uuuuuuuhhhh , ddddddeeeee-" I smaked her ass

"What's my fucking name !!" I started going harder and faster

"D-d-d-daddy" her legs shook as she came and I pulled out . Took the condom off , put it in the trash . Pulled my pants up and left. I know yall like "you a dirty ass hoe" but she won't gone shut up till she got some dick . I seen Kyan as she walked in the gym so I walked up to her before going to coach

"Hey ma"I reached in to hug her but she moved

"With the hell do you smell like cum and cheep ass perfume ?"

"Ma wha--" Britt cut me off

"Derrick you might as well tell her" Brittany said

"Tell me what !!!! Cause tink text me and told me he saw yall in the hall way earlier and you called him daddy , both yall ass Finna get beat for that shit so what else you gotta say ?!!!!" I got scared at this point cause I hurt her before but I never seen her like this she usaully cries , but I can tell she ready cry now ....

"We - we -we" Britt stuttered

"Yall what bitch!? , I'm giving yo asian ass 5 secs to tell what happened !!"

"We been fucking for a while....." As soon as she said that ma ran and hit her , and kept hitting her while crying

"You fucking dirty ass hoe!!!"
"Truffling ass bitch!!!" She was still hitting her , Britt face was bleeding all over then tink came and pulled her off her

" woah !! Ma what happened" tink asked holding her in the air all of a sudden she kicked me in the face

"You bitch !!" She spit on me as steeped tears rolled down he face

Kyan pov
I can't believe this !!! After all the shit I did fa him !!!! Im so done with niggas !!!

"Ma it's gone be okay ..." Tink said trying to wipe my tears as u was shacking and crying badly

"Tink you don't understand !! I kept telling my self every time he'd say he won't cheat I'd tell my self yeah he wasn't and now this shit hurts , I LOVE that boy with everything . I gave him my virginity , my fucking virginity !!! And he goes and treat me like shit !! I don't get it tink I just don't get it !" I laid in his lap & cried my heart out then aug walks up and lord knows I don't have the time

"Aug look don't come over here pick with her she not in the mood" Tink said

"Ite but why that Britt girl look dead ?" He pointed back inside

"Ma beat her up cause her and Derrick been smashing"

"Oh my bad ma" he rubbed my back and I sat up "it's gone be all good "

"You know how many times I heard those words ? And guess what it's never all good ! It's never gone be alright ! Yall asses ain't sorry ! All that shit yall say , yall don't mean it ! So stop saying that shit !!" I yelled at them and they kinda got scared "and you know what AUGUST maybe you was right ! Maybe I do need somebody better ! Maybe you do see hurt in my eyes ! But I'm done with all of you niggas trying to fix shit then turn around an do the same thing !!! I'm done !!" August just looked at me and ain't say a word

"C'mon ma , we gone get your truck in the morning" Tink picked me up and put me in the back seat of his car "you want some ice cream" he asked getting in the driver side

"No . Im not hungry."

"You sure" I nodded and closed my eyes as he pulled off

We finally pulled up at his house . He came and got me as aug got out the car . I walked up stairs , did my usual routine but this time I went and got some Hennesy . I NEVER drink , like EVER !! But yall don't know how bad this hurts. I took the bottle upstairs to tinks room , turned my phone off and all the lights then started drunking out the bottle till I fell asleep ......

I woke up with a major head ache . I just want more Hennesy to drink my problems away .. I turned my phone on and text my mom
To mom- hey. Uhh Ima stay at anis house for a while okay ?

From mom- okay baby but every know an then just make sure you let me know if your safe .

To mom- okay mommy , muah

I sat phone back down . I wasn't staying at ani house fr , I was gone stay with Tink ... Hold on

"Ma you hungry ?" Tink asked "I'm bouta cook" I just shook my head . And sat on the couch. After a while they started eating then I heard Aug

"Bruh she need to start being the old her I can't take yo cook"

"Nigga be grateful I even cooked fa' you" after that I was out .

Oh wow !!!!!!😳

Kyan having a melt down ....

Ahhhh shucks !!

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Sorry for mistakes !!!!

Keep telling people read my story !!! Please , thank you ☺️

-Kennedy 💕

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