Chap. 25

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a/n:ima skip to the month before Gianni is due so, it's August.. Thanks for reading💙

Kyan pov|
So it's been a whole month since I talked to August .. I was a lil worried but something in my head told me he was good . I been going the doctor by my self and all like he's really been MIA..... His lil girlfriend called me so I'm going to meet up with her now ..

Waiter: "hi , how many ?"

Kyan: "I'm actually meeting someone , her name is Miya .."

Waiter : "oh follow me " he took me to her table . I looked at her then did a quick prayer asking to go keep me from going crazy ..

Miya: "oh hi you must be Kyan ?"

Kyan: "hi ! And your Miya?"

Miya: "yeah " she shook my hand a sat down . Maybe cause I'm tiny but she seemed tall, maybe around 5'8 I don't know . Anyway I sat and put on a fake smile .. "How are you ?"

Kyan: "I'm fine"

Miya: "Well I wanted to tell you leave my man the fuck alone" I bust out laughing. Like almost fell out the chair then i straightened my face back.. Then giggled .

Kyan: " Girl you know absolutely nothing .. You probably couldn't tell me his whole name . Like did he ever say he loved you ? Called you baby ? Even bought you something ? You contacted me to tell me about a nigga you know nothing about an I know damn bear everything about .. Yeah he might be in your bed every night but I guarantee he's thinking about me, as much as he tell me he loves , misses and needs me .. There is no possible way he doesn't. I can tell that he hasn't really had a deep conversation with you about me or period because you would know not to come fuck with me."

Miya: "bitch, ion know who you talking too but leave MY NIGGA alone!" I looked to the side and chuckled as I licked my teeth .. Then looked down at my nails really quick .

Kyan: "what's his name ?"

Miya: "August"

Kyan: "nah his whole name and his mamas , have you even met his brothers yet ?" She got a lil quiet , I swea this bitch funny as shit like I'm dying right now "yeah that's yo nigga" I leaned back sipped my drink .. Then stood up ..

Miya: "broke ass"

Kyan: "I'm broke but you had to get aug to pay your shit,but I'm broke yeah ok... " I got ready to walk off then she kept calling me broke so I went in my purse pulled out about 3 stacks and threw it at her "who broke ?! Oh okay! You might wanna pick that up , put it towards your bills or some shit, could even pay for that meal you just ate an about 20 more ..." I finally got to my car . I seem I had got some calls , I called mama Sheila back ..

Sheila- hey .....

Kyan- mama what's wrong ?

Sheila- Mel was found shot about 6 times & dead , I was trying and trying to call August but he won't answer ..

Kyan: OMG !!!  (I felt like my heart was piping out my chest) it's gonna be okay mama I promise ..

Sheila- I know .. Have you heard from August ?

Kyan: no we have spoke since last month , he doesn't even come to the appointments ..

Sheila- well can you please find him... He needs to know this..

Kyan: okay

Sheila- bye love

Kyan- bye..

When she hung up I pulled up in a parking lot an broke down crying ... Like Mel was a brother to me ... I couldn't even imagine how the girls feel yet alone aug when he finds out ... This then the baby , and school is too much ..

I just tried calling August but it went straight to voicemail .

You know I been a lil missin' in action lately .. I had to get my mind right, but it's like 1 pm , I just woke up .. Turned my phone on an see I had 30 missed calls on my shit , so I got up an called my cousin back..


Smoke- where the hell yo ass been !

Aug- handlin' shit, what's poppin?

Smoke- they got ya brother man .. They got Mel ..

Aug- w-w-what you mean they got him like killed him ?

Smoke- yes Bruh ! (When he told me that my heart sunk .. I feel numb.. Lifeless... Dead..I feel like this shit isn't real then anger grew over me ) they said he was over the east next thing you know niggas hear bout .... Six shots.

I hung up the phone .. I cried damn near the whole night , I still can't believe he gone. He supposed to be here and watch me make it big . Watch his girls grow up.. Get outta the streets with me .. He told me niggas in New Orleans rarely make it to see 25 .. Now look , he basically proved himself right ... I dialed kyan number hopefully she's awake ..

Kyan- hello (she said in her sleepy voice then heard moving )

Aug- hey....

Kyan- how you feelin ? Your mom told me everything ...

Aug- I feel like shit ma... It's all my fault . If I would've been out the streets he would be here .. I'm so fucking stupid , I messed up with you ..your gone, now Mel!

Kyan-you can't beat yourself up about this August , I get your upset but at the end of the day god decides when he's ready for you he just decided to choose Mel today .. And your not stupid , even if I'm not here as a girlfriend at times like this I'm still gonna be a friend , you gotta be strong August . Just think of this as a blessing , obviously Jesus felt like the time was right . They always say the good die young..

Aug-thanks.. I really needed that..

Kyan-you don't have to thank me .. And I know your sad right now but you need to check your girlfriend , I'm being nice because of Mel but deep down inside I'm so pissed off ..

Aug- lord... Ima call you later to talk about that ... I love you

Kyan- I love you too.....

She hung up , I got  up , rolled a blunt an went on the deck to smoke it... I really can't believe this ...



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