Chapter 12

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Kyan pov
Guess what yall ... I'm going to school today 😊😊 but I'm not talking to nobody , except Cyani and Aug... Other than that in chilling ... I'm excited my brother coming back but just living with August is fun like I'm never bored . Now I'm really not bored since he got me fendi ... Anyways , I'm getting ready for school , I decided to flat iron my hair just for something different . Ion know why I'm so happy , lol it's a Monday in not suppose to be happy .

Aug:"Ma we riding together ?"

Kyan:"if you want to but I feel like driving " I just smiled and ran up stairs

Aug:"where you goin ma !!?"

Kyan:"to get my fronts!!"I came back and put them in inter bottom row "ite you ready?"

Aug:"yeah you got a pencil?"

Kyan:"I'll get you one .." We got in my truck and pulled off ........ Finally we made it to school and as soon as we got out my truck everyone was staring at us like damn, can we have privacy ...

Aug:"ma *laughs*"


Aug:"when people staring at you so you give em' something to stare at" he bent down an kissed me on the cheek then grabbed my hand . I was soooo shocked I couldn't speak I just giggled ... I saw all the girls role they eyes and Derrick get mad but I just kept walking . " you good ?" He laughed a big

Kyan:"yeah I'm straight" I smiled

Aug:"why you so happy ?"

Kyan:"we'll talk later , we got A LOT to talk about ." He kept holding my hand as we walked in Mr.Mitchem class

Mr.Mitchem:"I see your back glowing as ever"

Kyan:"I am not"

Mr.Mitchem:" yeah okay , you lil love birds"

Kyan:"wait we not-"

Aug:" ma come on" he said as he pulled me . We sat down and mr.mitchem started teaching .. All I could think about was August kissing me and holding my hand .... It actually felt right . Like he mad me happier . Then I started thinking bout how bad my feet was hurting , ion know why I wore Wore these heels , then the ones that hurt the most .... But I'm still cute so like Beyoncé says "pretty hurts" ..
The bell rung and we stood up to leave .. Me and August was walking together then Derrick walk up , like the hell .....

Kyan:"Can you please leave " i tried not to make a seen and stay calm since I been so happy .

Aug:"ma I got this , don't worry"

Derrick:" nigga you a lil pussy"

Aug:"who ?" He locked around "yeen talking bout me , maybe you shoulda treated her right and she won't be so hurt and i wouldn't have to fix but nah ... You fucked up and I stepped up . Now tell me again who's a pussy?"

Derrick:"you ..... Ugly ass bitch" as soon as he said that wig hit him in the mouth I was so shocked ... I decided to kick him a few time the pull aug off him but of course that ain't work .

Kyan:"August stop !! Stop August !!!! Look please stop !!! I don't want you in trouble !!!!" He finally stopped

Aug:"ite but let me catch that nigga in the streets when you ain't with ... Watch !" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him away . We walked into second period late but since it was my favorite teacher we was straight .

Kyan:"Aug , you need to chill ." I whispered to him

Aug:" ite ma ..." He grabbed my hand and locked our fingers .. Chills went down my spine again and I was getting this weird tingling feeling in my stomach . I don't know what this boy is doing to me I hope it doesn't stop ..


Tink pov
Wussup pretty woman and fellas . How tall been !? Good ? Oh well I'm been ite I been missing Kyan that's all . NO I DONT LIKE HER ! Her just a been the same an ion like her like this so my first plan is to get her feeling better . I just walked in the house and saw a dog . I though I was seeing shit then it barked . I almost brush. Lemme text aug and ask him
*Messages *

Tink😈💉: it's a fucking dog in my house .

Aug💉: lmao , that's fendi .

Tink 😈💉: I wish yall told me , but ite.

Aug💉: we got some shit to talk about too

Tink😈💉: ahhh lord .
*the end*

After that in went upstairs and took a shower . I see Kyan got it looking nice up here too . It felt so nice to be home! When I finished doing my hygiene stuff I went to play the game down stairs and right when I say down the door opened it . Aug and Kyan was giggling . She looked nice too . She was all happy .

Kyan:"Tink !!!!!!!!!" She ran and jumped on me

Tink :"ite man you can get up" I laughed as she did . She got up. "So why you so happy huh ?"

Kyan:"well thanks to August he's been making me happy . You met fendi ?"

Tink:" woah woah woah ...... AUGUST made you happy?" She nodded with a big smile "AUGUST ANTHONY ALSINA ?"

Kyan:"yes Tink !" She went To the kitchen , I followed her .

Tink:"Aug how you do that ? How yall even get along ? What the hell ... Yall Trynna play games on me ?"

Aug:"nah I just set her straight and then ion know we was just cool"

Tink:"yall fucked didn't it ? I know yall did , you lil nasty fuckers"

Kyan:*laughs* "Nah we ain't fuck , he just real cool then he got me fendi , that's what really made me happy"

Tink:"now I'm really confused , you let him buy something ? How that happen ?"

Aug:" so you told me get her out the house , it won't easy but I did it . I took her to a puppy store cause who don't like dogs ? Anyway , we get in the store and she's about to die over that dog .. She asked me to take her to the bank so she cold get the dog but I said no . I dropped her off at home then went an got the dog and came back ,.. At first she was mad I got it but she was so happy that she had a dog she just let it go "

Tink:" well damn, what else I miss ?"

Kyan:" August beat up Derrick .."

Aug:"she told him leave her alone , like the fuck nigga you don't understand she don't want ya lil apologies. Then he got the nerve to call me a pussy "

Tink:"yeah that nigga wanna die"

Kyan: "who wanna go out to eat ?"

Aug:"let's go!"

Tink:"goals" I laughed and they just straight faced me . We got in Kyan truck and drove off . I was in the back all lonely and shit.

Kyan:"where yall wanna go ?"

Tink:"papadauxs, we ain't been there in a min"

Aug:"what's that ?"

Kyan:" don't worry you'll like it"

We finally pulled up . Everyone got out the car except ma , then Aug opened her door , like what the hell . She got out and grabbed his hand then they walked to the door . They gotta be playing with me .

Tink:" what the ....... You know what nvm .."

Aug:"it ain't nothing" he just laughed .


Excuse my mistakes 😊

Aug and ky acting like a couple 😂

Tink confused 😭

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