Part 3- Close call

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"We will split into two teams. Roach, Me, and Soap will be team Bravo. Y/N, Ghost you will be team Alpha." Price was briefing us on the next mission after Dinner.

Ghost looked displeased with Price's decision. "Don't get in my way. I won't hesitate to leave you behind for the sake of the mission."

"I should say the same to you Lieutenant." I shot back, yes I am a solider but I am also a person who won't take crap from anyone.

"Oooo, shots fired." Soap chuckled as he finished shoving his pack full of supplies.

"Enough. Let's roll." Price ushered us from the conference room to the loading  field.

Moments later...

"Two hostiles to the North." Ghost and I took cover behind a few crates.

I lifted my gun into position. "Rodger. Your count."

Ghost shot one and I took out the other. "Clear."

We continued to sweep the area for our target. "We're coming up blank Captain." Ghost was getting frustrated.

"Same. I believe the target may have been moved." Price began cursing into the radio. "Continue to Exfil site."

"Roger." Ghost and I acknowledge Price's command.

We advanced to the Exfil point, taking out as many hostiles as possible. Once at the Exfil point we became overrunned.

"Damn! Where's that Exfil Nickoli!" Price barked into radio.

"30 seconds out!" Was the response back.

"Reloading!" Ghost began to reload his weapon.

"Ghost, get down!" I grabbed Ghost throwing him down as the area around us was showered with bullets. I used my body on top of his to shield him.

"Get the fuck off." Ghost pushed me off and returned fire as The helo began to hover, we all ran for it, jumping on and returning to home base.

At base..

"Well fuck!" Price threw his hat down on the table. "We got shitty Intel."

"Of course we did." Roach rubbed his arm where he was grazed by a bullet.

"Can we all just take a moment and appreciate that this tiny thing was able to throw Ghost to the ground?" Soap broke the tension and gestured to me.

I felt awkward as everyone looked at me. "Just did what was needed. I don't need one of you getting shot as soon as I join. It's bad luck."

"Mm." Ghost leaned against the wall.

A thank you would be nice but I doubt Mister stick in his ass would care to give one, let alone acknowledge me saving his ass.

"You're quite impressive L/N." Price complimented me. "You and Ghost seemed to compliment each other's abilities. I want you both working together as much as possible."

"No." Ghost pushed off the wall.

"It wasn't a request Ghost. It was an order."

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now