Part 20- Hope

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Despite all there efforts Y/N ended up falling into a coma. Ghost and I would trade off staying with her while the others visited. Ghost and I decided to put off our rivalry as it was what got her here in the first place.

"Anything change?" Price walked into the room.

"No." I played with her hand. It had been several months now.

Price nodded sadly. "They're asking if we want to call it, Ghost thinks we should."

"What?!" I covered my mouth quickly looking down at Y/N, as if me shouting would wake her.

"They don't think she waking up, Johnny."

I felt tears pricking the corner of my eyes. "He doesn't get to decide that! What about her family huh? They can't do anything without their permission."

"She doesn't have any." Price sighed. "He's trying to pull the significant other card. It's not decided yet but I just wanted to let you know." Price left the room.

I began crying like a big baby. He can't do that! Doesn't he care?! Doesn't he want you to wake up?!

"Y/N, I need you to wake up!" I grabbed tight to her hand.

"If you don't they're going to let that bastard take you away from me again." As if you were ever really mine to begin with.

Ghost walked into the room and my anger flared. "You son of a bitch!"

"I guess Price told you." Ghost sighed. "I think it's what she'd want."

"Bullshit! You and I know she's fighting to be here, you just want her gone so you don't feel guilty about stepping out on her lately. " I glared at him.

After about two months of you being in a Coma Ghost began seeing Lana again, saying he knew you weren't going to wake up and he need to heal his pain.

"Shut up!" Ghost looked at you as if you'd have a reaction or somehow wake up at the confession.

"She's gone, Soap, move on."


Yelling? I hear yelling? I willed my eyes to open.

"Bullshit!" Soap?!

I continued to struggle for my consciousness.

"Shut up!" Ghost?!

I tried yelling through the darkness to them. Nothing. Come on! Wake up! I screamed at myself.

WAKE UP!!! I heard a monitor start beep.

"Y/N!" I heard Soap panic.

"Watch out please!" I heard what assumed was a nurse. "Hello? Can you hear me??"

My eyes fluttered open, the lights burning my eyes. "Y-ye..s.." my voice was rough and broken from not being used for sometimes.

"Do you know your name?" She shined a light in my eyes

"Y/N L/N."

"Do you know your birthday?"

"(Insert Birthday."

"What's the last thing you remember?"

What is the last thing I remember? Oh yeah, right.

"Almost dying."

The nurse chuckled a little. "Very good. Take it easy now okay, don't stand up until the doctor checks you out." With that the Nurse left.

I sat myself up to see a stunned and crying Soap.

"Johnny?" My voice was slowly returning to normal.

"Y/N.. you're awake.. Guys Y/N is awake!!" Soap yelled into the waiting room and soon everyone piled into my room.

"Holy shit!" Roach pushed everyone away and hugged me. "We thought Ghost was gonna pull the plug!"

What?! He was gonna what?! I smiled awkwardly. "Well lucky you, I'm here." I hugged Roach back.

The room grew awkward.

"Where is Simon anyways?" I looked around for him, coming up empty.

"I texted him. Probably with L-" Gaz stopped talking. "Probably out."

"With who?" My stomach sunk.

No fucking way. Is he serious?!

"No one of importance.' Gaz tried to brush it away.

"You're telling me that that motherfucker is seeing someone else?!" I threw my legs over the bed.

Fuck the doctor, I got a bitch to kill!

"Easy!" Soap caught me as my legs gave out trying to stand. "He can wait."

"Love bug!" Simon came into the room, and froze seeing Soap holding me.

"Don't love bug me!" I tried to pull away from Soap but he held tight.

"Something wrong??" Simon looked at me confused.

"She knows." Soap forced me back into my hospital bed.

"Oh." Ghost shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah And when I get my legs back I'm gonna kill you!" Of course he'd step out on me! I'm such an idiot, when things go wrong he doesn't stay! Stupid bitch!

Ghost stood there awkwardly. "I'm sorry, they said you were gone. I didn't know how else to handle it."

"So you go back to fucking Lana and then say pull the plug?!" I was trying to get out of bed once more.

"Y/N, I'm sorry okay?!" Ghost reached out to catch me, I fell into his arms due to having weak legs.

"Let me go you bastard!" I slapped him hard. "Sorry my ass!"

Ghost was stunned for a moment before shoving me back down in my bed. "How is it any different then you and Soap huh?!"

"What?" What the hell is he on about? I've been in a coma for the last however months, nothing is between me and Soap.

"Using him to fuck with me! Or how about the fact you got caught up in feelings for him. Don't think I didn't know about that!"

I swallowed hard, how did he know?

"Oh yeah, I heard and saw all of that." Ghost looked pissed. "Just want to be his friend huh? You're a fucking hypocrite."

"That was on me Ghost, don't blame her for you not keeping it in your pants!" Soap stepped in.

"Excuse me, you need to quiet down or leave." A nurse poked into the room.

"Sorry." I apologized to her on behalf of everyone.

"Let's let Her rest." Price pulled everyone but Ghost and Soap from the room.

"You know what fuck you both, how about that? I don't want either of you!" I had enough. "Now leave!"

Both men stared at me, not knowing what to do.

"Y/N..." They both looked hurt.

"I said leave!" Both men left the room hanging their heads.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now