Part 11- Mission Impossible

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Weeks went in after my incounter with Ghost, he began avoiding me like the Plague, I was somewhat grateful for it. That was until we were assigned this mission.

"Coms are down. Fuck!" Ghost paced the Exfil sight. It was empty.

"Something's happened. There's no way Price would leave us out here like this." I scanned the area for any clue what may have happened.

"He would for the sake of this mission." Ghost voice was cold.

"He's not heartless like you." I muttered back. Out of all the people I was stranded with.

"We're going to have to hike back to command base." Ghost started to walk off into the tree line. "Or until coms come back on."

I nodded and followed behind him, scanning the trees hostiles. "How far is base command from here?"

"I don't know." His words sent fear through me. So we're basically fucked, got it.

"Let's just pray coms come back online."

Ghost and I made our way to a safe house that was located about 10 miles into the woods.

"We'll hucker down here for now. See if anyone comes looking." Ghost threw his pack into a corner after clearing the building.

I just nodded and sat quietly under a window to keep watch. The room fell silent.

I tried our coms once more. "Captain come in, Soap, Anyone?" Nothing but static came through. "Fuck."

Ghost paced back and forth, watching for movement through some broken out windows.

Eventually night fell without signs of help coming.

"We need to keep moving." Ghost grabbed his things and we continued on.

-Hours later.-

"Movement ahead." Ghost and I had tucked ourselves into the brush.

We watched as a group of hostiles marched by.

"That was close." I finally stopped holding my breath after they passed.

"Next safe house is 10 minutes out." Ghost continued to press on, I followed.

I was growing tired, despite all my training, this was rough. My feet burned and my muscles screamed out with every step.

Once we made it to the second safe house and cleared it, I collapsed on the floor. Ghost stared at me.

"Get up."

"Fuck you." I stayed on the floor. "I need a minute."

"We don't have minutes, we need to make it to base command." Ghost yanked me to my feet and my knees buckled.

"We've been moving nonstop. I need a minute." I pushed him away and sat back on the rotting wood floors.

"Fine, you get ten." Ghost moved away from me and to a corner of the room.

I nodded and leaned against the wall, I closed my eyes for just a second.

That second turned into hours. I bolted awake. "Fuck!"

Ghost jumped up from his corner and ready his gun. "what's wrong?!"

"Nothing! I just didn't mean to fall asleep."

Ghost relaxed. "It's fine. Can't have you going weak because you're tired." He settled back into his corner.

"I'll take watch if you want to get some sleep or we can keep moving if you prefer." I moved to the open doorway to keep an eye on the trees.

"Okay." Ghost continued to stare at me through the dark. Moments later Ghost's breathing evened out and he was asleep.

I sat in the doorway, glancing at him every now and then. He was sitting up, holding his gun tight to his body, sleeping soundly.

"Captian? Anyone?" I tried the coms once more, more static came through. I sighed, where ever they are I hope they're okay. 

The night went on, Ghost finally woke and came up behind me. "Coms up?"

I shook my head. "Still out of luck." Tension filled the Air.

"It's pointless to keep moving. Too many hostiles in the area and we might miss any rescue attempt." Ghost slid down next to me.

I nodded, ignoring his closeness.

"I want to apologize." Ghost said suddenly. "For everything. You have every right to go on with your life. I should have stayed in contact, I should have said something."

I stared off into the trees. I wanted to forgive him, but I just wasn't ready to. "It hurt a lot you know."

"I know." His voice was quiet. " I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted to protect you."

"I didn't need protecting. I needed you." I finally looked at him. "But you robbed me of that."

He looked down. "I'm sorry." Silence fell on us again.

I looked away and sighed. "I still love you, I hope you know that."

Ghost nodded and I felt my heartbreak all over again.

Oh fuck him!

"C-come... in..." The radio started making static with few words.

I jumped. "Hello? This is Private L/N! Anyone there?!"

We listened for a reply.

"L/N! Lo..Location?!" Captain Price's voice was coming through.

"Safe point bravo." Ghost answered.

"On..On route."

I sighed with relief, rescue was on the way. Ghost stood up.

"Again, I apologize."

Soon Price and the others arrived to our location.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as the helo took off.

"We got overrun quickly." Soap was bandaged heavily. "We thought you were dead but we kept getting weird feedback on the coms."

Ghost stayed quiet the rest of the time, acting as if our conversation never happened.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now