Part 33- The Mole

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I laid between the two loves of my life, knowing I was about to ruin any future I had with them, any future with the team. I was about to ruin everything.

"I have to tell you guys something." I sat up, bracing myself for what was to come.

"What is it lovebug?" My heart ached as he called me that.

"What's wrong?" Soap wiped a tear I didn't know was falling.

"There's another mole." My voice was barely audible.

"What?" This caught the attention of Price. "What do you mean?" 

"There was a second mole," I stated louder. The room grew quiet.

"And you know this how?"  Soap looked at me, his face fell as he realized what I was saying. "No.."

Ghost moved away from me. "You're fucking lying. Tell us it's not true Y/n..."

I looked down at my hands, Soap let me go and backed away. "I'm the second mole."

Everyone went silent and the two men stood to their feet. I couldn't bring myself to look at them, knowing the hurt on their faces, especially Ghost who had almost died at our hands.

"I should have known." Ghost shook his head, tears trickling behind his mask. I looked at Soap who was already walking away.  

"Price, do what you need to." He walked from the garage and Ghost followed him.

"Y/N..." Price shook his head. "You know what this means right?" I nodded stumbling to my feet.

"Private L/N you are hereby placed under arrest for treason and terrorism." Price's voice cracked as he cuffed me to a support. 

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say. 

"Why?" Gaz shook his head. "After all this why?"

I couldn't answer him, I wish I had an answer. I had stopped feeding information after Ghost's death but I knew that wouldn't change anything.

"How long?" Price looked at me, hurt clear on his face. 

"Since the beginning, I only stopped after Ghost's death." I looked away, not wanting to see the pain I caused any more.


I slammed my fist into the side of the building, pain blooming in my knuckles. 

"How could she do this?!" I felt tears running hot down my face. "Why?"

"I don't know." Ghost just stood there, staring out into the distance.

"I thought she loved us, she was just playing us." I punched the wall again.

"I don't think her love was fake." Ghost finally looked at me, his face streaked with tears under his mask. 

"How do we know that?"

"She gained nothing by playing us. People like that need to gain something for it to be worth faking." 

"I don't trust that." I sighed and flopped on the ground. 

Ghost sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I don't either." Ghost put his arm around me. 

"What are we gonna do?"

"What we do best, move the fuck on."

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now