Part 27- For Ghost

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The dark concealed our movements as we made our way to the manor. So far it had been an easy run.

"Split up." Price gave the order and the team spilt, Soap and I made our way to the guest house, looking for a man that could help end everything.

"Careful." Soap yanked me into the darkness as a group of men passed our position. He held me in his arms for a moment.

"Let's move." I took his hand a squeezed it before shooting out the lights.

When we made it to the door, Soap kicked it open and I threw a flashbang. Chaos erupted.

"They're here!" A hostile yelled as I gunned them down.

I was out for blood, I didn't care who it was, if they were in my way, they were dying.

We continued to sweep the building, coming up empty.

"Guest house is clear." Soap relayed to Price through the coms.

"Make your way to the main house." Price answered back.

Soap and I wasted no time. When at the main building we linked up with the others.

"He's not here." Price cursed and kicked a chair.

"Fuck." Soap teared up slightly.

I knew how hurt he was, all we wanted was for this to end, to avenge Ghost.  I began searching the room for anything that could help us.

I was desperate at this point. This couldn't be a dead end. I threw papers around, reading the useless information scribbled on them.

Something, anything!

A bang filled the air as we heard Hostiles filling the manor.

"I need some more time!" I began shoving bookcases around when a lockbox fell to the floor.

"We'll cover, just hurry it up!" Price barked and began to return fire. "Gaz stay with her, Soap, you and I will clear the building."

Everyone nodded and I went to work cracking the lockbox. Inside was the information we were looking for.

Gaz and I ran to find the others. Price was dragging an injured Soap.

"Let's move!"

My world began crashing again. No...

"Y/N!" Soap's voice brought me back. "I'm okay! Just a leg wound!"

I shook off the feelings creeping up on me. Right.

"I got the info!" We fought our way out of the building, dragging Soap along to the Exfil site.

Once the copter began to take off, Price handed me a detonator.

"For Ghost?"

I nodded and took it, pushing the button without hesitation. The sky lit up as the building below blew.

"For Ghost."

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now