part 6- Stay with us

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I felt my body slowly giving up as I lost blood, my weapons had long ran out of ammo. I laid behind cover, waiting for death.

I heard more gunfire and shouting, planes flew over head and the courtyard was filled with smoke and explosions.

"L/N!" I heard Ghost voice as I faded in and out.

"Let's get her out of here!" Price's voice seemed so close as if he was right next to me. "Stay with us!"

I felt my body being lifted, pain ran throughtout my body causing me to scream out.

"It's okay, It's okay." Ghost was reassuring me, then I blacked out.

When I came to I was in the hospital on base. I blinked a few times, wondering how I wasn't dead yet. I tried to move but was met with extreme pain. "Fuck!"

"You're awake!" I heard Soap yell, I turned my head to see Soap and Ghost playing cards next to me.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I touched my arm and side, both heavily bandaged. "What the hell happened?"

"You got shot while trying to cover us." Soap stopped playing and scooted his chair up to my bedside.

"Why did you come back?" I slowly sat up, my side and ribs screaming as I did so.

"No man left behind." Ghost stared at me through his mask, his eyes holding worry.

"Oh? I thought you said you wouldn't hesitate to leave me behind." I locked eyes with him, feeling they were somewhat familiar.

"You're a somewhat decent asset." Ghost shrugged and stood up.

"That's his way of saying he's impressed." Soap whispered to me.

I smiled a little. "Well, thanks for not letting me die."

Ghost shrugged again before walking off.

                -GHOST POV-
I quickly left the room, making my way to Price's office. His stupidity had almost cost Y/N her life.

I didn't even knock, I threw open the door.

"Ghost? How may I help you?" Price stood up quickly.

"Help me? You almost got her killed!" I slammed my hand down on his desk.

"I know, I'm sorry Ghost. I take full responsibility for what happened." Price sighed.

"Damn straight." I gritted my teeth. "Tell Shepherd to fuck off with these missions. Any mission that puts her at risk tell him to shove it."

Price chuckled slightly which just pisses me off more. "Simon, you know I can't do that, but if it makes it any better you can be assigned with her on any mission she takes solo."

I wanted to strangle him. "No, no solo missions for her. Period."

"Simon, relax, I'll take care of it." Price wat back down at his desk. "Does she even know who you are?" Price flipped through some files.

"I don't think so." I looked down. "No one has told her my actual name, I don't think it's clicked yet."

Price nodded. "Might as well tell her. She might be pissed if she finds out you stayed hidden in plain sight all this time."

"I know." I sighed. "I'll just be like surprise I'm not dead, that'll go so well."

Price shrugged. "You'll figure it out."

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now