Part 38- Shepherd

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((TW: Mention of Death and children's death.))

Days went by as we continued to hunt for Makarov and Shepherd, each day we were getting closer and closer and the world around us continued to end around us.

"Bloody hell." Ghost ducked under a fallen support beam of a house. We were making our way through a village that had long been destroyed.  

"There's no way anyone survived this." Gaz kicked the rubble beneath him. 

"We need to end this." Soap eyes locked on a burnt teddy bear sitting in a corner.

I nodded and we pushed on through the debris, our hearts breaking from the lives lost.

Once night fell we took shelter in one of the homes that was still standing somewhat. 

"We'll continue on in the morning." Price sighed and took watch as we set up camp.

Everyone fell quiet as we sat around a fire, the nights were getting colder and days getting shorter. We all assumed winter was coming but to be honest we didn't really know anymore. It had been so long since we went into hiding from the government that Shepherd helped corrupt.

"It's almost Over." Price finally spoked. 

We all looked among ourselves, wondering how many of us would make it out alive. There were only a few of us left, men who had gone into hiding with us, those we helped along the way all together there were maybe twenty of us.

"I wonder if we'll win." I looked down, doubting we could really come out on top. We were low on supplies, and next to no weapons. It was looking grim for us in reality. 

"We will." Soap put his arm around me, reassuring me. 

"We have to." Ghost corrected him. "If we fail, the world might as well end." 

We all fell quiet again. Ghost was right, we had to win. We were the world's last hope to take out Makarov and Shepherd. That weight was almost too much to bear. I felt tears prick my eyes, it was all or nothing now. 

"It's going to be okay Lovebug." Ghost stroked my hair. "We've made it this far, we'll make it all the way."

I nodded but tears began to run down my face. Soap and Ghost held me as everyone shifted around uncomfortably. 

"I'll take the first watch." Price offered. 

"Alright everyone else let's get some sleep." Soap, Ghost, and I settled down next to each other.

Morning came before we knew it and we were back to it. After a few more days we had found Shepherd's hiding place, we were moments from getting our hands on him. 

"Ready?" We stood outside the door of the room Sheperd had been chased into.

I nodded and ready my weapon. This was it, time to avenge Roach. Ghost kicked in the door and Gaz through in a flashbang. I entered the room as Shepherd struggled with his pistol. I wasted no time, hitting him in the head with my gun and kicking his pistol away. 

Shepherd cursed and he held his head, hunched over. 

"You almost got away with it." Price dragged a chair in and dragged Shepherd into it. 

"Price." Shepherd lifted his head as he was tied to the chair.

"Don't forget me." Ghost slugged him in the face. 

"You're alive? I watched you burn." Shepherd spit blood. "I guess your buddy wasn't so lucky."

"You don't get to talk about Roach." Soap slammed the butt of his gun into Shepherd's stomach causing the air to be knocked from his lungs. He gasped and coughed.

I stood there, watching, we had lost five more men and now there were of fifteen of us. It was his fault Roach was dead, he almost took Ghost from me, Anger bubbled within me. He didn't deserve mercy, he deserved the pain he caused everyone, the pain he put Roach through. 

Without a second thought, I took my knife and plunged it into Shepherd's chest. The room grew tense. 

"Y/N!" Price yelled my name, pulling me away. A cold smile played on my lips as Shepherd began choking on his own blood.

"It deserves a slow death." I wiped my knife off my pants. "He showed no mercy for  Roach."

Shepherd gasped, panic filling his eyes as he struggled for air. I approached him. "See you in hell."

With that I walked out.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now