Part 5- showtime

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I sat uncomfortably in the Jeep, Price was giving me the rundown one last time. "Get him alone and don't kill him. Got it?"

"Yes sir." I don't think you have to worry about me killing anyone but you all. I huffed.

"Ghost and I will be covering you." Soap fixed his tie and mask. "We'll be posing as security members."

"You better not let me die." All I had was a small pistol and a knife both strapped to my thigh as I was forced to wear a skin tight, formal dress. And let's not forget the heels that are going to make this mission impossible if it goes south.

"Can't make any promises." Ghost checked his weapons.

I rolled my eyes. "Soap, you won't let me down will ya?"

"No ma'am!" Soap playfully saluted me.

"Roach will be on the roof with his sniper." Price continued on. "I'll be at the Exfil site waiting for you."

I nodded and gripped the Jeep door. I swear if anything goes wrong, I'm taking them down with me. I opened to door and was loaded into another vehicle.

Ready or not here we go.

I arrived at the venue and slipped inside without issue. I scanned the room for the target, once he was spotted I made my way over to him.

"Hello." I smiled at the man.

"Why hello miss." He smiled back extending his hand out to me.

I swallowed my nerves and gave him my hand, he placed a kiss on the back of it, I wanted to gag.

"Anastasia Malcov." I introduced myself by my alias.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Malcov." His eyes searched me up and down making my skin crawl. "Would you like to join me this evening?"

"I would love to." I smiled while internally screaming. This guy is fucking creepy!

The night continued on and I stayed in his company, catering to his advances while trying to keep my dignity.

"It's getting late my dear, would you like to accompany me to my room?" He held out his arm to me.

I smiled. Showtime. He lead me to his room, I scanned the area, spotting Ghost near by. Thank God.

Once in the room I had to move fast, any delay and things would go south, but as soon as I was in the room I felt something cold on my neck. I swallowed hard as a blade was pushed slightly into my skin.

"Tell me, who sent you?" The target stared me down as one of his men tied my hands.

Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck!

"I have no idea what you mean." I put on my best show, pretending to be fearful.

"You would have me believe you're a common whore?" He stared me up and down.

"I'm sorry, did I give you the wrong impression sir?" I forced tears into my eyes.

A common whore?! He's lucky we need him alive!

"Hm, let her go." The target waved his man off, and I was released. "Forgive me but I can't be too careful. Too many people want me dead."

Add me to that list. "That's understandable." I needed to catch him off guard but it seems that maybe harder than expected.

He moved across the room and grabbed my chin. "Now, shall we continue?"

My stomach churned. All I have to do is get him down, I can do this. "Of course." I smiled before shoving him down on the bed.

The target chuckled as I climbed on top of him. "You're right, I'm not a common whore." I stabbed the needle into his neck injecting the knockout serum. He was unconscious within minutes.

"Soap, Ghost, all good here." I spoke into my ear piece. I felt my skin crawling.

Get me the fuck out of here.

"Roger." Soap said over the radio and the door opened both slipping into the room.

"You okay?" Soap looked me over.

"Just peachy." I unholsted my weapon. "Let's just get out of here."

Ghost was already securing the rappel devices in the open balcony. "Let's move it!"

I didn't waste anytime getting out of there, once in the courtyard we moved as silently as possible.

"Take this." Ghost thrusted a weapon into my hand. I clunged to it, it was the only thing that would keep me alive if we were spotted.

We were almost to the gate when someone began shouting in Russian.

"We've been spotted!" Soap yelled as gunfire broke out.

"Damnit!" Ghost began firing from cover. "Stay down!" Ghost shoved me onto the ground.

I felt panic fill my body, I had no gear, no armour, nothing. If I get hit I'm dead. I stayed down as the boys returned fire, I saw Roach on the roof returning sniper fire.

"Price we've been compromised!" Soap yelled into the radio. "Repeat we've been compromised!"

"Do you have the target?!" Price responded.

"Positive!" Soap moved to different cover dragging the Target with him.

Ghost yanked me to my feet, pulling me against him to shield me as we moved cover closer to the gate. "Closing on Exfil site, where's the vehicles?!" Ghost barked into the radio.

I wanted to laugh at how he was dragging me around. What happened to leaving me behind if I got in the way?

"To the left of the north gate. Is L/N with you all?!" We heard engines revving.

"Roger, yes we have L/N and the target!" Soap took off running and jumped the gate. "Let's go guys!"

Ghost continued to cover me as we ran for the gate. There was no way in hell I could get over it in this dress, Ghost climbed over quickly. "L/N move!"

"I can't get over!" I yelled to them. "Go on without me!" I began to return fire and took cover.

"L/N!" Soap yelled to me.

I ignored him, if I was going out like this, I was going out fighting. "I'll hold them here! Get the target to safety!"

The enemy began closing in on my position. I was created with silence from the others. I hope they make it out safe.

I continued to fire as I became overrunned. I felt a bullet rip into my left arm and side. I screamed but continued to fire.

Ghost x Reader x Soap  - Stay with meWhere stories live. Discover now