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*It was 1 am when I wrote this so please don't mind the mistakes 😭"

*It was 1 am when I wrote this so please don't mind the mistakes 😭"

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter two


"Are you really doing that?" Emilio said sitting on my bed as I retouched my makeup.

"I'm tired of staying at home and following my father's rules. I only have one life, so I'm getting out of here."

"I'm sorry, but I can't assist you with that." He rose from my bed, and I frowned at him. "I could get in trouble as well, and I don't want to deal with an angry father. That man is terrifying."

I sigh, "I guess I'll take the risk by myself." I sprang up and grabbed my phone, noticing Bianca's text messages confirming her presence.

It wasn't difficult to sneak out; I told my father I needed to sleep because I was exhausted. He never comes to my room at night, and since he's distracted with everyone else here, I can easily sneak out through the backyard.

"Just be safe, keep your drink close to you, keep your phone with you, and please don't drink too much. If Dad is here when you return, he would be furious not only because you sneaked out, but also because you were drinking."

"And please don't start flirting or making out with any random guy you see."

"I won't,"

"Are you sure?"


As his tongue entered my lips, his hands squeezed my ass. His lips descend down to my neck, kissing me aggressively, I let out a moan of pleasure.

"You want to take this to my place?" I threw my head back and grabbed the bathroom counter behind me as the random blonde-haired guy whispered to me while sucking on my neck.

"No," I said with a slight sigh of pleasure.

"No?" He stopped and frowned at me.

"I don't want to have sex with you." I pushed him away from me and drew my dress down. I turned back, looked in the mirror, and grabbed my bag to fix my smudged lipstick. He was standing behind me, puzzled, and I could see his hard-on through his jeans.

"Are you serious? You were literally all over me and staring up at me as though you wanted me to fuck you."

"But did I ever say I wanted to?"


"Exactly, now leave me alone. I don't want to fuck with someone that's going to last for two seconds."I strolled out of the restroom as if nothing had occurred. The dark crimson ambiance welcomed me as loud music reached my ear.

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