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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter sixteen

Possessive, manipulative and a psyco

I barely slept last night.

Knowing that I had an unconscious man on my couch after an overdose kept me from sleeping soundly.

I tried to figure out what those pills were for the entire night, but it was challenging because there was no label.

I was now preparing for school because I just had two classes this morning. Given that Matt works with several kinds of drugs while pursuing his medical degree, I'm sure he could help me identify it.

I put on my socks after putting my hair up in a low bun as I didn't feel like wearing heels today and decided to wear my Jordans instead.

I wore a simple black mini-pleated skirt and a long-sleeved black shirt today. It was pretty yet also simple.

Observing that time was passing quickly, I reached for my tote bag and filled it with the books on my desk. I made the decision to study and complete all of my unfinished homework last night even though I couldn't sleep. Despite having trouble focusing, I managed to finish half of it.

I had to get up for school at six in the morning, so I went to bed at five. It's obvious that today will feel quite long. Later tonight, I have work as well.

I shut my bedroom door and slung my bag over my shoulder. Alessandro was up and on his phone when I entered the living room.

His hair was messy and his white shirt was completely unbuttoned, allowing me to view the silver jewellery that was lying there and his tattooed chest. My stomach twisted as my gaze followed down to his abs, revealing some of his scars and a knife wound on his lower abdomen.

It wasn't the one I gave him that time in my kitchen, It was another that definitely went deep.

"Per l'amor del cazzo, smettila di chiamarmi e fai come ti ho detto."He yells at the person on the phone, hangs up, tosses his phone onto my couch, and redo his buttons while muttering curses to himself (For fuck's sake, stop calling me and do as I told you.)

As soon as his eyes met mine, he glanced away. I cleared my throat, went into my kitchen, and started brewing coffee as I waited for my brother to come pick me up.

"What am I doing here?" As I turned on the coffee machine, Alessandro inquired from my living room. I turned to see his tall body putting on his tie.

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