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VOID - THE NEIGHBOURHOOD ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter twenty two


I watched him

I watched the scene unfold before me. The cacophony of sirens and screams echoed in my ears, but all I could see was him.


Standing there, his hands stained with blood. It felt like time had slowed to a crawl, each second stretching into an eternity of agony.

I knew at some point everything had to end between me and Alessandro, But I never imagined that it would end like this.

In a whirlwind of violence and despair. Tears streamed down my cheeks, blurring my vision, but I couldn't tear my gaze away.

The shock of what I had witnessed seared through my soul, leaving behind a gaping wound that would never fully heal.

As the reality of what had happened sunk in, I felt as though the ground had been ripped out from under my feet.

I know Alessandro was not the sweetest man, but when he was, it did something to me.

When he would touch me, it felt so nice to feel his soft hand on me when it was nothing sexual. Or when he would help me eat when I would struggle and he cooked for me late at night. The way he could compliment in such a way no man would.

When he still took me to the hospital even though this place was a living trauma for him.

But how could such sweet hands with the softest touch be capable of such horror? It was a nightmare from which I could not awaken, a nightmare that threatened to engulf me completely.

I should have expected anything like that, but I was completely unaware. I assumed him to change while in prison, but he clearly did not.

I should've guessed after the incident with my teacher.

Alessandro wasn't a man for me but yet I couldn't seem to detach myself from him. Even when he keeps hurting me.

I am a woman seeking attention and love. Something I did not receive throughout my childhood.  Even if you only gave me a small portion of it, I would become attached

I was seeking that love and attention through a man that would only hurt me. He doesn't know how to love, he only knows how to hurt.

Not only that I had to find out he killed his parents.

I couldn't believe he killed his mother. The way he talked about her he always had that little sad smile on his lips and I would feel bad for him.

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