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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter twenty four

"That's a good fucking girl"

"Come here." I didn't process what was going on until I got picked up and thrown over his shoulder, his arm holding my thighs.

"What are you doing—" I gasp when he spanks my right cheek, and he soothes it with his hand and kisses it. The next second, I was pushed onto my bed, and he got on top of me, and I grabbed him impatiently to kiss him.

The kiss was messy, rough, and nasty. We moaned in each other's mouths, tongues touching and lips bitting. I pulled on his shirt, allowing him to take it off. I help him slip it up, and we break the kiss before he stands up to take it off. I sit up on my knees on the bed, waiting for him.

Then I realized, I was about to have sex.

Why was I scared when I'd been waiting for this my whole life?

"Something wrong?" He ask looking down at me, then I realized he was shirtless, in front of me with his perfect slutty body of his.

Now for some reason, I wanted to cover my whole body.

"Nothing." I looked away from his gaze but he grabbed my chin so I could stare at him.


"I'm still a virgin." I saw a slightly shocked look on his face then a confused one.

"You told me you weren't." He frowns, "You lied to me?"

"Like you haven't lied to me too." I rolled my eyes. "If that's a promblen for you then it's fine—" I was about to get up but he stopped me.

"No, I just—" He sighs, "I've never done it with a virgin. I don't want to be too rough with you or hurt you or even make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay but please don't be too gentle with me just because I am a virgin," I stare up at him. "you can be rough."

"Are you sure?" I nodded, "You'll tell me if it hurts or if you feel uncomfortable, yeah?" I nod once again.

"Lay on my lap, angel." He sits next to me and pat his thigh, beckoning for me to come. I crawl up to him and lay down, unsure of what will happen next.

"Ass up." He pats my ass, and I reciprocate. "Good girl." I gasped when I felt a firm smack on my ass, which sent vibrations to my throbbing clit.

"I'm going to stretch you out okay?" He said and I nodded, "If it's too much you tell me, and If you can't talk, tap my thighs three times, I'll stop."

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