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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter Fifteen


After exiting my car, I observed Sollana striding towards the hospital ahead of me. I trailed behind her as her heels clicked on the concrete and her hips swayed with each step.

Fuck, her skirt is so fucking short that I can see her ass peeking out of it. Don't even get me started on her shirt, which has her buttons undone to reveal her cleavage.

She definitely doesn't wear that to school to study. There's no fucking way.

I moved closer to her, looking around to see if any creeps were staring. I lead my hand to pull her skirt down respectfully, turning my head to not look when I do. The motion causes her to come to a halt and forcibly grip my wrist while staring at me.

"What the fuck?"

"Your ass was out," I nonchalantly said. I could tell she was angry about what had happened earlier because she was giving me the silent treatment the entire ride, muttering curse words under her breath and chewing her chew gum so loudly.

I shouldn't have even touched her in the first place. I regret it.

"Why are you looking?" She turned around and gave me her full attention. She crossed her arms, which caused her tits to push up.

"You were walking in front of me, it was in my view," I said. "Now pull that skirt down and stop acting like a whore." She stared at me, up and down before rolling her eyes, going back to her track to open the door doing no move to cover.

Fuck, if she was mine, I would have fucked that attitude out of her so hard.

I followed her as she went to speak with the receptionist and fill out a form. I remained behind her, staring at the man walking by, licking his lips, undressing her with his eyes while attempting to stare at her ass, but when his gaze met mine, he instantly stopped, cleared his throat, and walked away.

If she wasn't here, I would have killed him with no mercy.


When I heard her thank the lady at the front, I followed her to the elevator and walked into the rear while she hit the seventh-floor button.

As the door closed, I grabbed her waist and tugged her skirt down for the second and last time. She gasped at the quick action.

I grabbed her by the neck, my lips touching her ear, and pressed her against me and whispered, "This is the last time I'm going to deal with your attitude. So keep that skirt down before I deal with you my way. Capito?" (Got it?)

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