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THE WEEKND - THE KNOWINGᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter five


Why can people be so unpleasant at times?

I'm not sure whether it's just me, but I get irritated and angry so easily. even for little matters.

It was an early shift while I was working at the cafe today. This man arrived, requested a coffee, and when I realized I had forgotten to add sugar, he became enraged and started calling me a bitch.

I guess someone didn't have a great day.

With the exception of Bianca, with whom I no longer communicate, I have never really had friends. As a result, I didn't socialize much.

I wanted a job also because I thought it would help me socialize more, but it has now caused me to avoid all of those creatures.

I've spent the entire day dealing with unpleasant people and teenage boys who tried to hit on me despite the fact that I told them I was twenty.

I'm delighted my shift was finished so I could jump on my bed and watch a murder documentary while eating a bunch of food to fall asleep.

I decided to visit the bookstore next to the cafe because, well, why not? I haven't read in a long time since I couldn't get over how much I sobbed when reading the last book I read.

I walked in and was greeted by the cool air from the store's air conditioning, which was refreshing given how freaking hot it was outside.

"Hey, can I help you?" With a smile on her face, a girl in the front said. She was stunning. Her hair was pulled back into a tidy ponytail, her eyes were brown, and she was wearing a short adorable summer dress, pink heels and gold jewellery that complemented her tanned complexion.

"No, it's not a problem. I'll just look around and see what appeals to me." I returned her grin, and she nodded but frowned.

"Are you a newcomer around here?" She inquires. "Sorry, but your face is unfamiliar." She laughs.

"Ah yes, I am," I said. "I'm Sollana."

"My name is Asteria.It's a pleasure to meet you. You're stunning." She complimented me, and I grinned even wider as I thanked her. I'm not sure why, but whenever a girl complemented me, I felt more confident. Even more if they are far more attractive. "How do you like it here so far?"

"It's quite nice." I only told half the truth. Yes, it was quite great here, but I feel unsafe having a random dude watching every move I make.

"You know what, I like you already." She tells me. "We should be friends; I know my best friend Nora will adore you. My shift ends in a few minutes; do you want to go get a coffee?"

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