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*I don't know Italian so I had to use the translate app so if it's not accurate blame google not me. 🌝

*This chapter continues the last one


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Chapter Thirteen


The best part of my night routine was taking a shower. Just the warm sensation of water falling onto my skin, deciding which body wash smell to pair with the lotion I'll be wearing later, feeling how smooth my skin is after shaving. Then exiting the shower fresh and clean is like pressing a reset button.

Then my fave thing to do is sleep. Where I could ignore all of my issues and not have to be concerned about anything. It was the only time in my life when I felt at peace, where I didn't feel like I was suffering, and where I could escape reality.

I was seated in my pink fluffy chair in front of my white vanity, wearing a satin robe that covered my silky and lacy pink pyjama top and lacy pink underwear. I had just gotten out of the shower, I was still a little tipsy from earlier, my head was pounding, and my stomach hurt from throwing up earlier.

I felt weak from the lack of eating but It was hard for me to take a bite of anything. It feels like torture.

But this didn't stop me from completing my skincare routine. I take my hygiene extremely seriously, I couldn't go anywhere smelling awful or without perfume. I needed to be spotless from head to toe.

So, following my shower, I applied vanilla-scented lotion to my skin to match my body wash, which has recently been my signature scent. Every week, it changes.

It's getting late. It was exactly two a.m. It was a Sunday night, and I had school the next day; I also planned to visit Mamá after classes because I hadn't done so this week.

But I've kept in touch with her and called her every day to check how she's doing; she's been doing a little better since I was able to pay for her first treatment. There were three more, and the prices grew more expensive.

I stopped midway into pulling my hair into a bun when I heard sounds coming from my kitchen. I stared at my door, completely confused by the sudden noise before standing up, slipping my fluffy slippers on and leaving my room.

I came to a halt when I observed a tall figure standing in front of my kitchen counter. His black jet hair looked like he'd run his hand through it several times, and his black sleeves were pushed up to reveal underarms covered in black ink as he sliced vegetables on the cutting board.

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