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LOVE ON THE BRAIN - RIHANNAᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

Chapter Eighteen

Mercy is a luxury, and kindness
is a weakness.

Physical contact is one thing I hate more than anything in this world.

Not only did I get overstimulated and irritated easily but when I got touched unnecessarily I was on my last nerve.

I didn't mind it during sex or anything sexual but when it came to anything, especially cuddling, I hated it.

And here I am, in Sollana's bed, with her cuddling against me.

Her legs were flung over my, causing her top to slide up to her hips where her pink lace underwear were visible, and her arms were wrapped around my neck with her lips slightly apart.

I was on my side with her tiny body pressed against me and my knee trapped between her thighs. She would simply hold onto me more tightly, so despite my best efforts, I was unable to move.

I intended to leave as soon as she fell asleep, but I also dozed off and awoke with her on top of me. I knew if it had been anyone else, I would have thrown them off the bed without hesitation, but for some reason, I let her to hold me. Touch me.

I wasn't even irritated like I usually am when a girl I fucked tries to hold me after sex, or when someone simply touches me affectionately or non-sexually when it was unneeded.

Weirdly, I felt comfortable.

Comfortable with her touch, her smooth skin against my naked chest, her pleasant scent, and the softness of her hair under my chin.

Fuck, what was I on?

Ever since I knew her existence I have been a whole different man. I was doing things I never did before. Things I never thought to do.

I was experiencing emotions I hadn't felt before around her, and it was driving me insane. It's all quite confusing.

I wanted her to be mine,  mine to touch, mine to tease, mine to hurt. I was obsessive, possessive, controlling over her caring over her. I was nice to her.

I was never a nice man. Angelo's were never the nice men. Mercy is a luxury, and kindness is a weakness.

The Angelo name is more than a name, it is a code, a testament to the power we wield and the fear we instill in those who dare to cross our path. My path.

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