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Okay, so it's been 4 hours since the last time drago49er last texted me and I'M FREAKING OUT!!!!
I've called him a few times, Sena has called him a few times, we both spammed him with texts and he still hasn't answered.
We just assumed he was having dinner and couldn't answer but I'm pretty sure dinner doesn't take 4 hours to eat.
I hope his mom didn't take his phone away or it will be gone all summer...
That's the only explanation I can think of, honestly..
I'm going to cry 😓
I need him right now, but he hasn't answered.. What if something really bad happened? Or he's ignoring me? My brother checked the playstation and it said that he had been on 20 minutes ago.... Maybe his phone messed up? I don't know how it could've though.. It never has before.
That I know of anyway 😰

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