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In Japanese you seriously cannot just say "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too."

it doesn't work that way.. this is so super serious it's not very funny :3


When I first started to kinda learn Japanese I was like "Ba- Oo- Wah- What am I supposed to say?"

But now I'm like "AISHITERU ^.<3"

Suki Desu

(Sue-key Des-oo)

This can be used when you like something or someone


Poteto ga suki desu

English: I like fries 


But when it's for a person it's more of..... "I want to touch your face and stare into your eyes" kind of I like you 

Incase you like something VEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYYY MUCH 

you just say..

Daisuki Desu


This next one is A VERY VERY BIG DEAL

Japanese people do not joke about this shit (or kuso, if you will ;3)



You don't use this to describe your favorite pizza topping

Like my god people

This is Japanese

Learn stuff

You use this when you are SUPER passionate about something, or someone

It means that you're SO DEDICATED that you don't care about eating or sleeping 

that's when you say.. Aishiteru

Koi Shiteru 


Unlike Aishiteru, this is not used TOWARDS a person. This is used when talking to someone ABOUT a person. 

Need an example?

If I were to be talking about someone.. Like, I don't know... X3 Gary? XD

I'd say "Koi Shiteru" when talking to you, or Sena, or Skye.

Yeah none of you really care but I'm bored and I felt like it so I made it 



(I brought it back just this once.. For you.)

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