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Obsessed with The Walking Dead
Right now they're having a rerun of each season leading up until the 23rd for the season premier

I'm re watching the episode that's after the Governor's final attack when he pretty much blows up the prison
And when Carl and Rick and Mishone go and live in that house temporarily and such, when Carl and Mishone go on a run
When they're at that house, the one with a completely pink room, and there were dead decayed people laying in beds and sitting in chairs? On the wall it said Mae Mae.


My name being Madison
People call me Maddie (or Aika mostly Maddie mhm)
And Skye calls me Mae Mae
And now my English teacher calls me Mae Mae

Mar Mar lololololol
Mae Mar lololol
Skye and such

Uhmuhmuhm she likes to draw our names to put us in groups
And she had us write our nicknames because apparently our normal names are "too boring" Pfft

I was paired with my friend Raelynn
Aka Rae Rae

Rae Rae and Mae Mae were partners.
The best coincidence ever.

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