5 Things I Like About Me

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Tagged me to do this
And she started it
Blame squeaker.
And so I'm going to do this

All you have to do is list 5 things you like about yourself, and then tag 5 people to do this

Here I goeses:

1) My eyes
Gary says they sparkle 24/7 but I don't see that
I just like that they change different colors of blue, charcoal, and green
2) my lips
They small and the bottom lip is fun to nibble on when I'm nervous +it's a habit
3) my hyper-shit
Yeah I got hyper over cheese last night
Sorry Gary
4) that I have Gary in my life
He's my world
I'd yell to the world that I love him so much
*leans over to Gary*
*whispers* I love Gary so much.
5) My singing
I don't seem good to myself but everybody else likes it and such
I just love singing Otay
Especially if I'm singing with Gary :3

Who I tag


Tag me in your chappie thingy so I can sees ittttt :3

Bai Ping Dings

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