I haven't been on in a year.. :)

15 1 1

Terrible things have happened since the last time I talked to you guys..

I've been abused multiple times, changed schools twice, Garrett cheated on me and he's been out of my life since June. It's December now. 

I've been in hospitals, covered in self harm scars and I've lost 15 pounds since June.

I have a new boyfriend now  :)

His name is Aidan, he's 2 years older than me, he's a ginger and is everything I wish I could be :)

He calls me baby, baby girl, and little shit. and more stupid nicknames that I couldn't live without 

Yesterday, December  12th, was our one month

I wear his class ring on a necklace everyday because my fingers are really skinny and my hands are small 

I'm doing better now I think, guys

It's just that the medicine I'm on now.. when I get off of it I have a deadly  withdrawal reaction that makes me break put in hives  and my hands and feet and no neck swell up

I'm happy now guys I really think I might truly be happy now :) 

Aidan is more than I could ever wish for and he makes me feel like the world is unreal..

He should never believe I dont  appreciate him, because..

Once upon a time..

He's all I have ever needed 

I love you so so so very much baby  Aidan :*

Gaydan  Faggoner

I love you I'm sorry :') 

Bye guys :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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