My Cover of Happy by NeverShoutNever

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I am so sad,

knowing that you're gone

I am so sad,

knowing that I'm left alone.

I am so sad,

loosing all of the hope in our dreams,

and it's hard to believe

it's hard to believe.. it's hard to believe.

I may be acting cool, acting all fine,


I wanna cry.

I can't be looking at you straight in the eye,

I'm gonna die.

I can't be without you,

Can't be a 1, I need my 2

and baby that's you

So can't you see, I can't be just me?

I am so sad knowing you're not by my side,

The grass is getting darker further on this ride.

The more I think,

the more I wish,

that I could jump off a bridge and just end this,

oo, oo


We are functional, it's just that my dad isn't.

He said "No," because of age difference.

A 2 year age difference seems far now,

but when I'm 18 and he is 20 it won't matter

but things change

and right now, I wish they wouldn't

Teenagers will be teenagers, and they do stupid stuff. Although we both decided that this isn't a bad idea, It can end in a flaming ball of hell. Parents, let your children learn from their mistakes instead of getting on to them about it. That makes them want to be rebellious and fight back,

trust me,

I need this to happen

If it's a mistake, it's the best mistake I've ever made

So, father, even though you can't see this or hear it, I beg of you.. I know I said I didn't but the truth is I was embarrassed of you to know the truth.. I do. I truly do. Let it happen for a month, and if it ends with arguing and disagreements between him and I then it's over, in the past, and we forget about it. If it works out, we try another month. We just see how it goes. It's very normal for best friends of the opposite gender to grow feelings for each other in time. We have been best friends for over 3 years, and we knew each other when we were quite young as well. Back then we were just friends, exchange a few words, share a few toys, play pointless games, and tons of childish giggling laughter. To this day he is one of two people who can bring out the childish giggling laughter in me, and I don't want to loose him. I already did once, and it was terrible for both of us. I became depressed because he shut off all contact with me for entire months. His grades and mind were effected by what he did, and he didn't even realize he needed me. You're the only one keeping our happiness apart.. Just say a simple three letter word, and you can see your youngest daughter smile everyday. Her bright eyes hide more than you can even imagine, but if you say it then all of it is gone and my smile will be real. For once, a real smile.

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