I. Raina gets burnt alive

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RAINA MIKAELSON DID LOVE HER BROTHER. Really, she did. But a few decades of his controlling nature were more than enough for her to get sick of him. And unlike the rest of her siblings she was able to get away with it rather easily. One of the perks of being Niklaus Mikaelson's full sister. The downsides, however, included having Mikael after her. Though currently he lay rotting inside a cemetery. The wonders that a bit of lies could work when it came to naive Bennet witches was truly spectacular. Though in locking Mikael away the witch lost her powers as well as any use Raina may have for her.

So she left her. She simply walked away at the Bennet witch sobbed, her powers reduced to near nothingness. Some may have called it cruel. Raina called it Tuesday. In her thousand years she'd lost count of everyone she'd left in the dust. Not that she'd bothered to keep them in mind. The noisy chatter of the people behind her broke through her thoughts. She rolled her eyes irritably, one of the disadvantages of her enhanced hearing. She couldn't simply tune people out. Not easily anyway.

"So... what's a pretty girl like you doing on her own" A voice said. Raina bit back a sigh, forcing a pleasant look on her face as she turned next to her. A young man, about twenty by the looks of him. Moderately attractive but even if she were in the mood for a quick fling, he wasn't really her type. Though, she didn't mind a bit of blood with her bourbon. "Drinking" she responded simply. "So you have a name?" He asked. "Raina, and you are...?" she trailed off. "Somebody who'd like to buy you a drink" He responded. No name? Well that was fine, he'd wake up in an alleyway, drunk with no memory of what happened to him in a few minutes give or take. "What would you have?"

Raina pretended to think "Bourbon" She said finally. So he bought her a Bourbon, again and again and by the time she was done with her sixth glass he was near blackout drunk, making her job that much easier. She'd quietly suggested that they move somewhere private to which he'd eagerly obliged. As soon as they were out of the Grill she grabbed him and dashed into an alleyway, pinning him against the wall "Don't react" She compelled. Her fangs grew and the veins under her eyes became visible as she sunk her teeth into his flesh, relishing the taste of his blood.

When she was done his head thumped to the ground, his body following suit, nothing but a limp dry husk. Raina wiped the blood off her lips with a finger. She hadn't meant to kill him, she'd just meant to do a quick snatch-eat-erase but by now she was fairly used to accidentally killing nearly all the humans that she fed on. But now she'd have to clean up. What a shame... Ofcourse, nothing was stopping her from simply leaving him. It may cause some trouble for the vampires in this town if there were any but she was well past the point of caring. She lightly rolled his head away from her with the tip of her heels and stepped over his body as she left the alleyway.

She'd just barely got out before a sudden noise rang out, sharp and deafening. Raina clutched her head, her nails dug into her scalp but she could barely feel it. Not while the noise shattered her senses. A scream poured from her throat as she fell to her knees. "Ma'am are you okay?" she heard a human ask. Makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop. "I've got it from here" Makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop- It stopped. It stopped as she thrashed against the firm but human hands that grabbed her. It stopped as a burning feeling spread through her body and the darkness pulled her in.

[Minor timeskip]

[Previous Location: Mystic Grill]

[New Location: Grayson Gilbert's office]

A scowl was etched onto Raina's face as she woke, her body felt weak and limp. She had little to no movement. Or at least, little to no movement that didn't make her feel as if somebody had set her insides on fire. Words could not even begin to describe just how much she loathed the after effects of vervain. The weakness and inability to control her situation reminded her too much of her human self, it irked her when no matter how deep she buried that girl she kept resurfacing when she was least wanted.

Raina craned her neck, wincing at the pain the action caused as she tried to get a look around the room she was in. It was fairly plain, not much to it but all around her multiple people lay on the floor, most were unconscious but some were starting to wake up at least get some movement in their limbs. She heard the sound of splashing as a foul stench hit her nose. She turned her head toward it and saw a middle aged man splashing gasoline over all the people and the staircase as he went up before lighting it on fire. The orange blaze quickly spread across the room, taking Vampires down with it.

In just a few minutes smoke hung over the people in the small room like a large grey cloud. Raina wasn't nearly as bothered as the others. She'd made an educated guess that they were vampires who were most likely doing their best to fight against the vervain. To them it was permanent death. To her it was merely an inconvenience. The one thing that the bitch, Esther had ever done right.

"Mayor, is that you?" She heard somebody ask and since most of the vampires were more busy trying to escape than chatting and she had nothing better to do than lie there and let the fire swallow her she listened in. "What are you doing here?" The Mayor asked "I'm a vampire. What's your excuse?" The vampire responded. Ah, so she was right  "No, really. The vervain didn't affect you, you're not a vampire, what the hell are you?" He asked. Werewolf. That was the first thought that came to her mind. She could faintly recall the people around her not being affected by the noise so whatever it was it must have been for supernatural ears only and with all the information the mystery vampire unintentionally provided her with she could conclude that the Mayor was a werewolf.

"Mayor Lockwood!" Another Vampire exclaimed. It was followed by the familiar crunch of a snapped neck. Oh well. Rest in peace (or pieces, she didn't really care) suddenly the door flung open and she saw a blur that could have only been a vampire rush towards one lying near a flaming pillar. Seems they missed one or two. But when the vampire paused to pick the other up she got a glimpse of his face. Stefan Salvatore. A light smirk decorated her face, thinking back to the blood high she was on in the 1920s. At least until Mikael came in and ruined it like he ruined everything. She watched as Stefan dashed out of the room but she didn't really care about him or the other vampire. Her eyes were trained on a girl outside the door. She had long brown hair, bronze skin and an oh so familiar face. The Dopplegänger was back.

[Edited?: Partially]

[Author's note: It'll be a few chapters until we see Raina and Tyler interact. I wanted to spend the first chapters expanding on Raina as well as her relationship with the Scooby Gang. Their storyline officially starts after Tyler triggers his curse]



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