In which,
Two souls cursed by the moon find the one they've been waiting for
What Raina Mikaelson wants, Raina Mikaelson gets.
And what she wants is Tyler Lockwood
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2x3 ━━━━━━━━
RAINA STOOD NEXT TO STEFAN AND CAROLINE, they were watching Matt. She looked up at the full moon shining above. She hated full moon nights. The moon was a constant lingering reminder of some of the worstnights of her life. It reminded her of the day she spotted a wolf hiding in the undergrowth, watching her and she'd foolishly approached it. It hadn't harmed her then, if anything it was affectionate. She saw the same wolf again. And again. And again and once more with Niklaus.
A few full moons later she felt bold enough to go to the very heart of wolf territory and watch them turn, unaware of her youngest brother trailing her. The transformation alone had left her traumatized, seeing Henrik mauled to death only made it worse. Then came the spiked wine and her father unapologetically running her and her siblings through with his sword. After that was the loss of her magic, closely followed by her disastrous transformation, the pain she'd felt that night overwhelmed her though after a thousand years she couldn't clearly remember the pain. She just knew it hurt.
She was horrified when the next morning she found that she'd killed Rebekah and seven villages. That girl would have had heart failure just knowing the things that she would do in the future. Ofcourse she would have been lying if she said that the feeling of being a wolf wasn't one of the best she'd ever felt. The euphoria that filled her as she ran and leaped, blood coating her muzzle and moonlight shining off her snow white pelt.
She never knew a feeling like that again. It was snatched from her far too soon. But she was finally going to get it back. After a thousand years she would finally break her curse.
"He's mad at me" Caroline said, snapping The Original out of her thoughts. It took Raina a second to realize she was talking about Matt. "Go talk to him. I'll wait" Stefan urged as his phone started ringing. Raina spotted the Dopplegänger's name on the screen. "Hey" Stefan said "Hi. Listen we've learned some stuff here and I know it's gonna sound crazy but I wanted to fill you in" Elena said. The Original frowned, detecting the undertone of urgency in her voice. "What's up?" The Brunette Vampire asked.
Raina listened in on their conversation. Elena confirmed that the Lockwoods were werewolves after all. Raina was rather surprised when she heard the Dopplegänger tell Stefan about the Aztec curse. For a relatively new vampire Isobel sure knew a lot more than expected. Even if the Aztec curse was only a cover story for the real curse.
"I don't know what that means or if we should even believe it but it's a full moon, Stefan. After what you saw Mason Lockwood do..." Elena trailed off. "I'll be careful" Stefan assured hee "There's one more thing" The Dopplegänger said. "What is it?" Stefan asked. "According to the legend, a werewolf bite can kill a vampire" Elena said. Raina pretended to be surprised and a tad bit worried. She was already well aware of that. After all, her blood was the only cure for it.
Though she found it rather unfair that vampires were so vulnerable to werewolf bites despite the fact that their entire species was created so that they may stand a chance against the wolves. "Listen, I gotta go. I'll see you when you get home, okay?" The brunette ripper said when he couldn't see Caroline or Matt anywhere. "Okay" Elena said. Stefan hung up and called Caroline but he got no answer.
Raina kept an ear out for Caroline, Matt and Mason as she and Stefan walked through the woods in search of the vampire and the human. She stopped abruptly, hearing an animal growling. A wolf growling. She struggled to keep the smile off her face. The two rippers exchanged looks as they cautiously approached Mason's car. There were scratch marks on the ground and chains tied to a tree nearby. Suddenly, a dark furred wolf leaped through the window and ran away from the two.
Raina didn't hesitate to chase after the wolf, using her vampire speed to attempt to keep up. By chance, Mason led her straight to Caroline and Matt. The latter had her teeth sunk into the former's neck as she drank his blood. Raina couldn't really blame the new vampire, the human blood easily beat animal blood. She would have let Caroline kill the human, and use her grief and guilt to manipulate her but she heard branches snapping. Stefan. Well fuck.
Quickly, she rushed over to the two and pryed Caroline away from Matt. "Caroline! Stop!" She said, forcing urgency into her voice as Stefan rushed up to them. The blonde vampire's face turned back to normal as Matt fainted due to blood loss and fell to the ground. "Oh my god" Caroline said, trying to rush towards him but Stefan stopped her "No, no, no, stop. Listen to me. We need to get out of these woods now. We need to leave"
A growl sounded in the undergrowth "What was that?" Caroline asked. Raina raised a finger to her lips "Matt, stay down. Do not move" Stefan said, turning to the semi conscious human on the ground. The growl was coming from all around them now. The brunette ripper turned back to the other two vampires "We're gonna run. It's going to follow us. We need to lead it away from Matt. You need to run as fast as you can. Do you understand me?" Caroline nodded. Raina echoed the motion, keeping a look of worry on her face "Go, go!" The three of them sped away as fast as they could, or at least Stefan and Caroline did. Raina had to make sure she didn't get too ahead of them.
They got a fair distance away before the blonde vampire suddenly stopped. "Wait! What is it?!" She asked. "It's a werewolf! He will try to kill us and he can!" Stefan said. Twigs snapped. Raina stiffened and whirled to face the source of the noise. No wolf. Sort of. Just Tyler Lockwood. "Hey! What are you three doing?" He asked. "What are you doing?" Stefan asked. Mason leaped out of the bushes, pinning Caroline to the ground. For a brief second it wasn't the blonde vampire lying on the ground under the paws of the wolf but Henrik, eyes wide in terror. Raina rushed forward, pushing the werewolf off her. Mason looked at the three vampires, growling lowly. It remained tense, ready to strike. "No!" Tyler yelled suddenly. The werewolf looked at him as if noticing him for the first time but then it turned and ran away into the undergrowth.
Raina looked back at Tyler. Stefan and Caroline both looked surprised so she feigned shock as well though she knew the reason very well. She'd found her backup sacrifice.