In which,
Two souls cursed by the moon find the one they've been waiting for
What Raina Mikaelson wants, Raina Mikaelson gets.
And what she wants is Tyler Lockwood
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2x13 ━━━━━━━━
"I KNOW YOU'RE THERE" Jules called out, hearing the four of them. Stefan and Raina walked into the clearing and out of the shade of the trees with Estelle and Tyler in between them. The vampire hunter had a sword sheathed at her waist. "Where's Caroline?" Stefan asked. "Locked up tight" Jules responded simply. "Let her go, and I'll release Tyler. It doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules" Stefan, ever the peacemaker, said.
"It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?" Jules responded. "Especially after that one killed two of my pack" she looked pointedly at Raina. "Should have thought twice before sending your bitches after me" The original snapped. "No one else has to get hurt as long as you leave town" Stefan continued with his peacemaking drivel. "I'm not leaving without Tyler" Jules said firmly. "Tyler can make his own decisions" Estelle spoke up "This doesn't need to get bloody. We just want Caroline and if he wants, Tyler can leave with you" her eyes flashed golden as she spoke.
If she had hoped that revealing herself to be a werewolf would help the situation, it didn't. "A traitor then" Jules crossed her arms.
"You know what?" Damon said as he entered the clearing "Since Stefan got here before me I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So give us Caroline" he threatened casually. "Let go of Tyler" Jules ordered. "Give us Caroline. Without a full moon it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you" Damon said.
"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy" Jules whistled and the rest of her pack appeared out of their hiding places, each of them held weapons. Some had stakes others has crossbows, and even a flame thrower. The werewolves surrounded the small group. "Let's try this again. Give us Tyler" Jules said.
All the cockiness gone, Damon looked at Tyler "You heard her. Go. Get over there" he nudged him forward. Tyler gave Damon a look but complied, walking over to Jules. "Which one of you killed Mason?" One of the werewolves asked. "Uh, that'd be me" Damon raised a hand. "Boys, make sure that one suffers" The werewolf said and the rest of the pack closed in.
Reluctantly, Estelle unsheathed her sword. "We can take them" The older Salvatore said. "I don't know about that" Stefan responded doubtfully. "Well I do, and I can take all them single handedly" Raina said. She rushed at the wolves, ripping out one's heart and sinking her fangs into another's neck before ripping off his head.
One of the werewolves rushed towards Stefan, attempting to burn him but he took the flamethrower from him and burnt two werewolves with it who made the mistake of charging at him. Another werewolf made the bad decision to charge at Raina with a stake. She twisted his arm and drove the wood through his chest before launching the stake at another werewolf not far away. The wood pierced their skull and pinned them to the tree.
Another werewolf leaped from the roof of the RV, aiming for Damon but the Salvatore ripped his heart out before he could land. Two werewolves charged Estelle. The vampire hunter his her best to avoid them. She twisted and leaped out of their way, using her sword to block other attacks.
Raina grinned wickedly, fangs bared. She let the thrill of the battle and her bloodlust take over her. Necks snapped, limbs flew and vital organs went missing in her wake. While Stefan fought off a werewolf another snuck up behind him and drove a stake through his back. Estelle, it seemed, was trying too hard not to hurt them and keep them at bay. One of the werewolves drove a syringe of wolfsbane into her neck, knocking her out.
Damon found himself fighting a vengeful werewolf and would have won had Jules not shot him with a wooden bullet in the stomach. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Jules then turned to Raina. The original was the only one left standing, blood smeared her body but she hardly seemed to notice. She raised an eyebrow at the gun and chuckled "I'm sorry, do you really think a couple splinters are going to take me down?"
Jules fired three consecutive shots, Raina avoided them all exept one. The last landed in her arm. She curled her lip in annoyance as she took it out. She sped towards Jules, snatching the gun and crushing it like a toy before closing her hand around her throat. The vengeful werewolf was about to stake Damon when he noticed his alpha in danger.
He started towards them but paused when Raina's grip on Jules' throat tightened. She heard movement and looked past the struggling werewolf to Caroline and Tyler who watched with wide eyes from the RV. Only after she saw the fear in Tyler's eyes did she fully register just how she looked, covered with blood (none of which was her own) and she held one of his new friends' life in her hands. If she killed Jules now it might undo all the progress she had made with him.
She looked back at Jules, if Lockwood failed too... Well, she might need another backup. Just in case. Raina slammed the werewolf's head into the nearest tree, just enough to knock her out. The other werewolf decided to foolishly challenge her and in one quick movement joined his alpha on the ground. Not dead (sadly) just unconisous. She walked over the to the Salvatore brothers and removed the bullets from their chests.
A vampire, a werewolf, a dopplegänger and a moonstone. All in her possession. She'd alerted a contact about the new dopplegänger and said contact would find and deliver the news to Klaus. She had all the ingredients now, Elijah would be minor thorn in their side but nothing they couldn't take care of. Especially since the dopplegänger and her friends were oh so eager to be rid of him. She'd gladly provide them with a silver dagger but she'd never thought of carrying one with her as she never thought she'd need it.
This was one of the few instances she was wrong. But knowing Damon he was more than likely to come up with some way to get rid of Elijah for the time being. Or she'd just have to wait until Nik arrived with the daggers. Either way, she had been waiting far too long for this and nothing was going to stand in her way.
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[Author's note: Hopefully the update drought will end here] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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