XXVI. Ray Sutton

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IT WASN'T WHAT RAINA HAD WANTED BUT SHE COULD HARDLY DENY IT WAS FUN. At times anyway. She, Stefan and Klaus spent their days going across the country looking for werewolves. Klaus kept Stefan in line by threatening the life of his brother and he kept Raina pacified by providing her with a murder fest. While annoyed about being tricked and practically chained to her brother, she was satisfied for the time being. Besides, they'd have to run into a witch who could undo the spell eventually. But for now cooperation seemed to be her best bet.

As of right now she was lying in wait in front of a house containing people who may have information about a werewolf. "Rudy!" A woman called as she stepped out of her house. She whistled. Inside a car parked nearby but hidden, the dog perked its ears up at the sound of its name. "Stay" Raina ordered. Rudy hesitated, looking between the house and the original. Raina poured another handful of treats into her palm and allowed the dog to lick them up.

"Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you" The woman called again. This time Rudy didn't try to get up, his head lay on the original's lap as he finished the treats. The food and the air conditioning kept him unintentionally complicit.

Raina watched as Klaus approached the woman. Her cue would be soon. She moved the dog's head onto the seat, giving it an apologetic scratch behind the ears. "Watch Rudy. You hurt him, I'll kill one of your friends" Raina threatened Stefan who was sitting in the passenger seat, waiting for his cue. She got out of the car and moved to stand next to her brother, planting a look of relief on her face. She knew Klaus had already fed her the fake story.

"Don't you or your... friend have a cell phone?" The woman asked "Huh, yeah..." Klaus pulled his phone from his pocket "Battery died" he explained, using an American accent. In Raina's opinion the only thing scary about her brother was his horrid American accent. "I'm afraid I didn't bring mine, it was only meant to be a quick trip" Raina explained, she too used an American accent. "You're sure dressed up for just a quick trip" The woman said, skeptically eyeing her clothing up and down.

"I tend to overdress quite a bit" Raina said. "Look, I promise we're not serial killers we just wanna use your phone" Klaus said. "Sure" The woman sighed. "May we come in?" Raina asked. "No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you" The woman said. Klaus dropped his facade, looking annoyed "I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting"

"I'm from Florida" The woman replied. "Well, that explains it" Klaus grabbed her throat and compelled her "Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea"

"You will do exactly as we say" Klaus compelled. "First, invite us in" Raina ordered. "Come in" The woman said, her voice shaky with fear. "Good. Now tell us, where is Ray Sutton?" Raina asked. "I don't know" The woman replied, shaking her head. Raina frowned, the woman was clearly telling the truth, she didn't have a choice. "Very well, let's see if her friend knows" Klaus said, he still held the woman by the throat as they entered.

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