In which,
Two souls cursed by the moon find the one they've been waiting for
What Raina Mikaelson wants, Raina Mikaelson gets.
And what she wants is Tyler Lockwood
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2x9 ━━━━━━━━
RAINA NEVER THOUGHT SHE'D SYMPATHIZE WITH THE SALVATORES AS MUCH AS SHE DID. At least not until it came to Elena Gilbert's safety. It turned out that the reason she was not at high school was because she'd gotten kidnapped at the Masquerade Ball by two vampires trying to get into the Mikaelsons' good graces again. They'd certainly failed at that. She faintly remembered both from the late fourteenth century. Trevor was a wimp, he sucked up to Klaus and Raina and worshiped the ground they walked on all for the false hope of gaining their attention and approval. It was pathetic really but somewhat amusing at the same time.
Rose, she knew was a friend of Trevor's but was never nearly as interested in being a lackey as him. Raina had never met her in person which proved advantageous now when she stood in front of the original who sat on the couch next to the dopplegänger. The vampire claimed that she had some important information to share that she'd already told the Salvatores but was repeating for Elena and 'Reine'
"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus and Raina I know are real" Rose stated. Oh lovely, make things harder why don't you? It wasn't enough that you alerted Elijah. Raina had to keep the irritation off her face. "Who are they?" Elena asked. "They're siblings, two of the originals, they're legends" Damon said.
"From the first generation of vampires" Stefan added "Like Elijah?" Elena asked. "No. Elijah is the Easter bunny compared to Raina and Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus and Raina are the real deal" Rose said. It was hard to pretend that they weren't inflating her ego. "Klaus and Raina are known to be the oldest" Stefan said. Might wanna get your facts checked Salvatore. In order of birth, she was the third youngest. Fourth if one counted Henrik. But in terms of being turned she'd awoken and fed just after Rebekah making her the second Original.
"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asked "Yes" Rose said "No" Stefan said at the same time. Yes. "What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true..." Damon said "Which it is" Rose responded "And you're not saying it so I don't kill you" The older Salvatore said. "Which I'm not" Rose said. "Then we're looking at a solid maybe" Damon finished. Try a solid hell yes.
"Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist" Stefan reasoned. They killed Elijah? Well, color her impressed. Her brother must have been on a bad day or something though she doubted he was actually dead, There was one piece of white oak left in the world and it was with Mikael. "Not that you know of" Rose pointed out "That's not helping" Damon said. "Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on them. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if they're real. For all we know they could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story" Stefan said.
Raina was almost offended. "They're real and they don't give up. We've all heard what they say 'What Raina Mikaelson wants, Raina Mikaelson get' If you're not afraid of her or her brother, then you're an idiot" Rose said. Raina tried not to look too proud of herself and the reputation she'd created. "She's right, they are real" she stated "I've had some experience with the Originals myself. They're both vindictive and ruthless as they come. Klaus is the big bad wolf but Raina is the serpent you never see coming until it's too late"