XIV. Bad memories

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RAINA HAD HER WORK CUT OUT FOR HER. Between Tyler and the dopplegänger, it was a real headache. On the bright side, the dopplegänger's friends had finally made a competent decision and locked the self sacrificial dopplegänger in her house. And they had a new ally, an old friend of their's and a (hopefully competent) vampire hunter by the name of Estelle. This officially allowed Raina to focus on the upcoming full moon. It took time, convincing and magic.

She got the sense that Bonnie Bennett didn't like her a lot but agreed to help for Tyler's sake. Raina had chosen a large chunk of land deep in the heart of the forest where it was unlikely that people would approach. She'd wanted a barrier spell, nothing more but she didn't know if the Bennett witch could handle it, especially at the scale that she needed so she'd needed to take the more complicated approach.

With spells taken from her mother's grimoire, she'd helped the Bennett witch set in place large magically grown walls which she assumed were higher than a wolf could jump. She'd coated the walls in wolfsbane. And just to be on the safe side, she'd had Bonnie grow wolfsbane on the inside of the walls as well. There was one entrance that was set to magically seal during the full moon. She wasn't too worried about herself, should she get bored at any point she could escape over the walls.

Raina sipped from her blood bag, there was still time before the moon hit its apex, Tyler still had yet to feel the first effects of the full moon. If there was one part of being a wolf that she didn't miss, it was the transition. It sucked, to say the least but she was pretty sure she could take it. Last time when she'd first transformed she was unprepared, this time she wouldn't be. She knew what to expect.

"Wolfsbane burns like a bitch, even if you dilute it in water but it should weaken your wolf enough to keep it from jumping over the walls" Raina stated. Tyler managed to drink a few swallows before he began to choke on the mixture. He gagged, falling to his knees as he vomited on the ground. "Yeah... I really do not miss this part" she muttered under her breath. She continued to drink from her blood bag as Tyler recovered, taking off his shirt. She caught herself staring. Fucking hell. She was aware she found him physically attractive but seriously, there was a time to check somebody out and this was not it.

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