Introduction pt 2

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James and Net arrived at school very late because Net wanted to pass by the mall to play some games before school. James ofcourse was against all of this but he just went long cause Net was going.

At the mall

'Net we have to go now or we'll be late' said James annoyed
'5 more minutes I'm about to win' said Net

James just turned the game Net was playing because he knew if he kept waiting, they'd spend the entire day at the mall like the last time and get in trouble with their parents.

'What the hell' said Net really pissed this time
'if you didn't wanna to stay you should've gone to school alone'

James just rolled his eyes and Net just followed him to school still pissed.

At school

Every girl and some boys were obsessed with Net and James but James paid no attention to them, but Net on the other hand loved the attention he was getting and he was a real flirt(James didn't like that at all, he loved when Net paid attention to him and him alone, he didn't know why though)

'hey James' said some pretty girl

'hey babe, u so pretty' said Net flirtatious and the girl just blushed and James who was next to Net at the time was really annoyed with the scene so he just walked away . He was a little hurt and he didn't know why though

School went on and soon it was lunch time, and James left his classroom to.look for Net (James and Net always had lunch together) ad what he saw as he entered Net classroom left him speechless. Net was kissing the girl he was talking to and this affected James more than he thought it would.

A couple of weeks as James was getting his thoughts together,he finally came to the conclusion that he was in love with Net and since Net was kissing that girl the previous week in class James decided to keep it to himself since he didn't want to loose the friendship he had with Net

It was another school day again and it was now lunch and James went to Net's classroom to look for him again and he heard the most hurtful thing anyone could ever say

Net's girlfriend ' why is James always with you'

Net ' I don't know boo but I also wish he would just leave me alone, we have been friends for a while but I think he's way to clingy with me and wants too much attention,I don't even like being he's friend anymore' Net said to try and please his girlfriend.

But what he didn't know was that James overhead the entire conversation and was very hurt.

Later that day as Net and James were going home
'Net , I don't think I can force you to be my friend anymore. U can go ahead and enjoy your life without me' said James looking very down

' James I don't understand,what do you mean by force me to be your friend, I love being your friend and you know that' Net said panicking.

' I heard what you said to your girlfriend Net and it's okay really, I just wish u could have told me that you don't want me as a friend anymore and I didn't have to find out like this' Said James

' James please let me explain ' Net was now panicking he couldn't loose his best friend just like that

' You don't have to I got the message loud and clear' James said with a tear coming out his eyes.

He then proceeded to enter his house and Net thought he was gonna go to James' house and explain everything later once James had calmed down cause he knew that James wasn't going to listen to reason now when he's so hurt and angry.

James was really hurt as he walked to his house, the person who he loved with all his heart just literally said he's annoying and clingy and he doesn't like him.

James felt like he's world was coming to and end , he was really in pain. He went inside his house and the suddenly he remembered that his aunty had asked James to come and stay with her if he likes and his parents liked the idea but James had said no because he'd have to leave Net and he didn't want that. So now when Net had literally broke his heart he thought it was that right time to go stay with his aunt and maybe get a fresh start.
He found his mother in the kitchen

' Good afternoon best mom in the world' said James trying to sound very happy and also to try and be as smooth as possible about him wanting to go leave with his aunty.

' Good afternoon to the best son in the world' she said responding with the same energy and James just laughed

' So what does my beautiful son want from this lady today ' said his mom with a wide smile

' Uhmm... I was wondering if it was possible to go live with my aunty' said James nervously

' why all of a sudden son, weren't you against this idea from day one' said his mom concerned

' mom , mom , mom, don't look so anxious,it's nothing really, j just feel like living somewhere new' said James trying to convince his mom

' Did you and Net get into a fight or something ' his mom asked

' no mom, all is okay with Net. ' James said trying to sound convincing

' okay son' she said finally a little convinced

40 minutes later
' James' called out his mother

' Yes mae'

' you have to start packing to go to your aunts today, she said she's picking you up tomorrow morning '

' why so early mae'

' she said she has found a scholl for you in the nearbye area and you start Monday and she wants to use this weekend for you to settle in the house and also buy some necessary school supply ' her mom said excited for her son

' okay mae'(' this is actually good, I won't have to face Net ever agai' thought James)

Early hours of the morning James had just finally finished packing his stuff and his aunty came and picked him up and they left.

At 8am Net came to look for James at his house, he knocked and James mom answered.1

'morning mae' said Net a little nervous

'morning son'

' can I see James for a bit'

' didn't James tell you he's moving in with his aunty in another city today ' said James Mae surprised cause the two boys have no secrets between them.

' no Mae ,he didn't. We had a fight do I guess he didn't have a chance to, don't worry though mae, I'll just call him' said Net with an awkward smile.
'alryt son'

Net's Pov

He was shocked when he had Net moved and at the moment his mom didn't have his address since her sister was moving to another house.He tried Calling James but he's number was blocked and he knew that was it.

To be continued.....

A/N- unedited there might be some spelling and grammar errors.

In the next chapter will be skipping to 10 years later when they now have their companies, stay tuned

Thank you for reading

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