Chapter 2

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Net's Pov
Yim came in running to his bosses office his bosses office to bring Net's lunch because he got really annoyed easily.
Yim : sorry I'm late boss, the queue to your Thursday pie lunch was really long today and..." Before he could finish Net interjected

Net :" save your excuses for someone else now place my lunch on the table and leave"

Yim:" sure boss" Yim left feeling kinda disappointed in himself

Although Yim was one of Net's close friends sometimes he didn't get Nets behavior but Net had been like that since day 1 of their meeting so he was like that since day 1 of their meeting in college, to think Yim wouldve been used to his behaviors by now.

Net was now the owner of a growing million dollar fabric making company. His grandparents had died and left under he's name a farm that farmed only cotton and in the last couple of years ,he had managed to turn that farm in to a huge business. At first he had opened a factory that manufactured only cotton fabric but now he had grown the business in to different warehouse that manufactured different high quality fabrics.

Yims Pov

After their lunch Yim was contacted by Thomas Matthews ( James' head of human resources management team) and be had asked for an appointment with the company owner because they needed fabric immediately and going through all the departments before talking to the actual boss would waste too much time they didn't have.

Thomas:" Good day sir, am I speaking to Mr Sander assistant to Mr Net Adams"

Yim: " Yes you are, how many I be of assistance to you sir."

Thomas:" well My name is Thomas Matthews and I am the head of human resources department at James Michaelson Fashion and I would really appreciate a meeting with your boss."

Yim:" what the agenda of the meeting sir.' Yim said trying to be as calm as possible because a meeting with the country largest clothes making company was going to be big and life changing for their company so he was very excited.

Thomas:" JMF needs a large quantity of quality fabrics ASAP" Thomas said trying to be as straight forward as possible.

Yim: " I'll talk to my boss and will get back to you ASAP."

Thomas:" Thank you Mr Sanders,have a wonderful day.Get back to us soon."

Yim: " You too, Mr Matthews"

After the call from JMF , Yim was very happy
He went to the bosses office and told him about it and the boss set a meeting for 10am

Net's Pov

When Yim was telling him about JMF, he pretended to only know a few things about the company from the news but in reality he knew everything about that company since it was owned by the only person that really mattered to him aside from his family which was James. Net had been stalking James since the beginning of the company and was supporting him from the sideline since forever.

He didn't know how the meeting tomorrow was going to go but he hoped it would go well for the sack of everyone involved. And he hoped his friendship with James would be restored for he had missed and longed for his friend all these years

To be continued....

A/N: hope you're enjoying this story

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