Chapter 12

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James Pov

Waking up in the morning in Net's arms was just a while different level of amazing. He had his arms around me all night long. I woke up  before Jim and then just stared at that handsome face, I then decided to kiss him which then woke him up.
"Morning my baby"
" Morning love"
"How was you night"
"More than awesome love and yours"
" Awesome baby"
Just then Net just kissed me and I couldn't get out of his grip . He then let go of me and then I noticed the time
It was already 10am and I had a meeting in 15 minutes  so I called Thomas real quick asking him to reschedule it for me and they rescheduled it for later that day.
"Net love, we can't g meet mom today unfortunately. I will ask her when she's available next .Today my schedule just got too busy with this meeting moving to later."
" It's okay baby,I understand "

Next day

James had talked to his mother and they had agreed to meet next week on the same day. James had mentioned that he would be bringing his partner but didn't say his partner was a man because he knew his mother.

Today James is having lunch with Earth ,just to catch up with his brother it's been a while. James called Earth after waiting for a while.

"Earth, when are you picking me up. I've been waiting for the past 10minires"
"Relax James, I'm coming and waiting for 10minures isn't too long"
"Okay ,okay . I'll be there in a minute"

Soon after the call Earth arrived and then they left to have lunch. They sat down at the restaurant had drinks while waiting for their food

"So tell my little brother,hows your boyfriend "
" He's good and hows yours "
"Wait,how did you know I'm dating Mix now"
"Well I didn't know till you confirmed it right now brother "
"Okay enough about dating,tell me what did you want to discuss with me"
"Uhmm-, I'm going to introduce Net to mom next week"
"As what James" said Earth firmly
"As my boyfriend and before you day anything Earth ,Net and I already talked about everything and we understand that it might not go the way we wanted and we're ready for that"
" James I understand that you may think that you're ready for all's that's to come but bro your scars from the past still haven't healed and I feel like you opening them up now won't be a great ideea. Do you know how much time it took for you ta at least get back to normal after that incident. I can't have that James back,I like the one I have now"
" Brother, Net will be by my side the whole entire time please don't worry, he knows everything "
" He might know everything but he wasn't there back then James I was, I watched my brother broken ,I watched you suffer, I was there when you were at the edge of ending your life. I can't James , I just can't go back there" Earth was now in tears because of all the things his brother had to go through
" Earth, I know you love me and care about me a lot and I'm grateful for that brother but I have to face the skeletons in my closet already. I can't keep running from them forever ,can I"
" okay James if that's what you want to do then I support you a 100% as always and I'm going to be here when you need me little brother"

After that emotional conversation Earth was still worried about he's little brother but he knew that there was no stopping James once he decided on something and James was right he had to face his skeletons. Although James was ready to face them , Earth was just not ready and he doesn't think he'll ever be.

Net's POV

I was missing my baby so much, he has been at lunch with his brother for the past 2hours and I just want to talk to him so bad.
Just as I was busy thinking about my love ,my little brother called
"Hey Tay"
"Hie brother, why do you sound so down"
" I miss James" he said pouting
"Brother you just started dating James a minute ago and now you can't breathe without him"
" Tay ,stop teasing"
"Okay brother, now to the reason why I called. I met someone today at University and I think I like him"
" my brother is in loveeeee"
" stop teasing Net"
" okay, okay tell me more about him "
" he is my senior, he's cute or should I say sexy but I don't know if he likes guys or not. Brother I'm really panicking here. Will he even like me??, Will he think I'm too childish??, Will he think I party too much??"
" Hey brother, don't panic okay , just maybe find one of his friends and find out what he likes and doesn't like and then try to impress him. And also maybe start being more responsible, he won't take you seriously if you keep up with this spoiled brat persona you have going on"
" okay brother I'll be more responsible and win him over, I've never liked anyone like I like him brother. I'm so nervous"
"Everything will be fine brother"
" okay, thanks a lot brother. Will talk soon when I'm introducing you to soon to be brother in law and also I going to come meet James in 2 weeks time"
"Okay brother, I'll inform my baby"
"Bye then"

After the call with my brother I got another call for my baby
"Baby, I miss you so much"
" hey love , I miss you too"
" Want to go on a date this evening"
" Baby I'm tired ,can you come over to my house ,well watch a movie there and spend some quality time together"
" that's a great idea my love, I also don't feel like going out anyway"
" I'll see you in the evening then"
" okay my baby, I love you"
" I love you too boyfriend"

Net and James spent sometime together and they enjoyed themselves that night.

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