Chapter 11

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Net's POV

I loved the building my baby showed me for my company offices a little too much, maybe it's because the building was just a walking distance from my baby's office meaning I could see him anytime I want.

It's been two week since James and I started dating and I've been sending him flowers everyday, messaging almost every hour which he day I must stop but I know he loves those messages.
Today we going out on a date and I can't wait
I arrived outside James office because he didn't bring his car since I asked him not to because of our date.
We arrived at the place and we were having a very nice conversation when the lights suddenly turned off and my baby was so scared that he came to where I was sitting and hugged and then started to cry.
" My love, please don't cry. Your hubby is here with you okay"
"Okay" that the only thing he could manage to say at the moment.
When the light came back on I quickly paid the bill and took him out of that place to have some dessert elsewhere

In Net's car
" Aren't you going to ask why I reacted that way"
" No, my baby. You're going to tell me when you're ready . Okay"
" Thanks hubby" Net had a huge grin on his face
" This is the first time you actually called me hubby face to face not via text" James face turned red when he heard that
" Wait,is my baby blushing"
" Hubby , stop it already. I'm shy enough as it is"
James wrapped his arms around Nets arm cutely and said
" Love can we order dessert and eat it at home I don't feel like going to another place and I want to tell you the reason why I reacted like that. I won't be able to tell you in a restaurant with other people there"
" Okay baby , but don't feel pressured to tell me..."as he was talking James cut him off
" Love, I want to tell you and I'm ready okay'
" Okay my baby"

They arrived at James house and their desserts arrived half an hour later. As they were eating while cuddled up watching a movie James broke the silence
" Please don't overact after I tell you love"
" Okay but I'm not making any promises"
"So you do remember that when I left you in high school I had gone to live with my aunty' and uncle,(Net just nodded) . After living there for a while I came out to my mom and aunty about being gay and they told me I was just going through a phase and that I'd grow out it. My mom said she couldn't have another gay son and that Earth being gay was enough and now I had to follow his footsteps. Mom said he saw how I looked at you (Net) and instantly knew I was gay and separating us was the best that's why she asked my aunt to ask me to.move in with them.
Well it turned out that my brother was chased out of the house when he came out but my parents didn't want me to know that why Earth only visited a couple of times and only after I had made a whole seen about missing him so much. They said that my big brother had passed his gay disease to me and that they won't let me be sick like him. My mom and aunt took me to this other rehab where they said they cure  gay. I was 17 at the time and was not an adult yet to make my own decisions about my life
I was tortured and electrocuted all in the name of making me straight. I was scared for my life Net and I tried to escape but I couldn't so I pretended to be cured and I was released from that place. I hate them Net,I hate them so much. I went through so much because of them. I was traumatized at such a young age and I still can't get over it."
James was crying while narrating the story and Net had tears too. He just held his baby close to him.
Once they had calmed down Net asked James.
" Is the rehab still open now"
" No I closed it down and many others and also summer camps for such things, my company supports an organization that deals with eradication such organization"
" I'm so proud to be your bf right now, you do so much for many people. And I'm going to do everything to make sure you fight your phobias "
"Thanks luv"
" Net I want us to go meet my mom as a couple tomorrow,she still thinks I'm straight and I want to clear everything up with her but I'm scared love"
" Okay my baby, will her"
" Thanks love"

James Pov
After telling Net all that I felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He didn't know how Net was going to react. He was a little scared he would leave him but Net just comforted him and that's all he really needed at that moment.

Net pulled me closer to him after the whole scene and started kissing me like his life depended on it. He the put his hands under my shirt and started caressing my abs and then he reached my nipples. I panicked when he touched the and said
" Love ,I don't_ don't - thi-nk I'm ready for it yet"
" I know baby and we're not going to do it, I just want to touch you my baby and make you feel good "
" O-kay" I stuttered again
" Can I continue now" he said with a smirk and I just nodded
He was playing with my nipples in his hand while kissing my neck and I was now a moaning like crazy I like what he was doing to me
" Mmmh , baby aahh"
He took off my shirt then I felt his kisses going down from my neck to my nipples and it felt really good.
" Aah, baby , don't stop " I moaned
And Net did as told ,before I knew it my pants were off and Net licked my D
" Net you don't have to do that" I say in between my moans
" But I want to baby" he said
He started sucking me off and I found myself holding his hair ,making my cock go deeper in his mouth
" Baby, I'm going to cum" I screamed
The next moment I came in his mouth " you can throw it out,"
It's like he didn't hear me, he swallowed it instead and then I heard him say
" You taste so good my baby"
I just blushed, then suddenly I saw that I was the only one naked and Net still had his clothes on and I immediately became even more shy
Net noticed and decides to tease me
"You look great without clothes baby, don't be shy"
" Love , stop it"
Then I noticed that my Net still had a huge boner and I asked to him about but he said he's going to take care of it in the bathroom. So I let him.

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