Chapter 21

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Nets pov

After taking Mia all over town to organize her apartment we were finally home and I must say I was still anxious about my baby. At first he wasn't answering my calls but now he's phone is off. I know Off said he's with them and safe but I just can't help but worry about him and i must say I'm disappointed in myself.

Just as I was thinking Mia came in my office (in the house)

Mia:" don't tell me you're still worried about that James guy, he clearly doesn't love you , how could he leave like that."

I just kept quiet cause I wasn't really in the mood for arguing or even wasting my breathe with this girl. Suddenly she came close to me and I stopped her right as she was about to kiss me

Net:" what the fuck is wrong with you Mia, you know I'm engaged"

Mia:" Net I've loved you since college and this guy just comes and takes you in a matter of months ,how is that fair"

Net:" I thought I told you back in college that I don't love you and you come here and do this, you know what you're leaving my house now" I say booking her a hotel room before she makes up some excuse

Mia:" but I have no where else to go,"

Net:"your taxi will be outside in 10 minutes and here are the details of your hotel ,I just paid for one night you'll see what you do tomorrow or even the day after, honestly I don't care just leave my house and my life. All my friends were so right about you"

After that incident I knew I had fucked up really bad, I'd be luck if James takes me back or even still wants to marry me.

Early in the morning I started to call James again and lucky for me he picked up on the fifth ring.

Net:" hie baby" I say softly

James pov

I still upset with Net so I spent the night at Off and Gun's place because I just didn't want to be alone in such an emotional state. Net his been calling non-stop and honestly he's the last person I want to talk to but I love him to much to just make him worry about me too much so in the morning I finally answered.

James:" What do you want Net"

Net:" baby, let me just explain everything to you please"

James:" explain what Net, that your friend is much more important than me and that her feelings matter more than mine, that it's okay that I spend the entire night crying as long as your best friends happy, that I must now come to the reality that I will be second best in your life. I'm sorry Net but I'm just not going be that"

Net:" baby, my love you are the most important person in my life and I made that clear to Mia yesterday when we got home ,I even took her to a hotel and everything"

James:" that does change the fact that I was hurt and still am. I felt like a third wheel at my breakfast date with my fiancee Net, do you know how I felt"

Net:" baby, can we please meet up and discuss this, I don't want to talk about all this on the phone please my love"

James:" okay fine, let's meet at my place because I don't want to be in the same place where that bitch was and you better get rid of that house and everything in it"

Net:" yes love, I'll do whatever you say. I'll meet you soon"

After 30 mins I was at my house waiting for Net and he arrived jus a couple of minutes later.

When he walked through that door he looked so broken and I felt just a little bad but some part of me was like he did this to himself. Net started sobbing as soon as he enter and he went on his knees infront of me.

Net:" James baby, I'm so sorry, I was stupid, please forgive your foolish Net, please baby, please"

Honestly the minute he started crying I was crying too

James:"I'll forgive you on couple of conditions"

Net:"I'll do whatever you ask me baby ,just name it"

James:" never see that girl again, never make me feel less important to you again "

Net:" I'll never baby, I promise"

James:" okay fine I forgive you but I'm not done with my conditions,they are more still coming, I just have to think of them first"

Net:"okay my love now can I get up as kiss you"

I just nodded

He kissed me like he's life depended on it and immediately I was turned on I was hard and I could feel him hard too

James:" ahh ,Net baby... Uhhmm I need you please"

Net:" but I'm right here love ,what do you need me to do"

He has started with the teasing, he was kissing my neck now , knowing that it was my weakness

James:" make love to me"

Net:" as you wish my love"

Just then my clothes began to come off and he he his off too and he was now fingering me and I must say I was enjoying every minute of it.
Soon he was in me going in and out

We made love hours, I just kept asking for more and more and Net didn't refuse me

I woke up now and the time was 1900hrs and I was so hungry and Net was staring at me as I slept.

James:" stop being a crip love"

Net:" what can I do if I have the most gorgeous man in my arms"

James:" stop being cheesy and let me go to the bathroom"

Net:" you do know you won't be able to walk after all our rounds"

James:" don't be so cocky babe, this wasn't my first time so I'm sure I'll be fine"

Net:" whatever you say love, go freshen up, our food will be here soon"

I just nodded and attempted to get up and I was in pain but i was proud to ask Net for help. As I attempted to start walking I fell my legs just didn't wanna support my body and right then Net started laughing at me. I was so pissed

James:" you did this to me bastard ,now you're laughing " I said angryly

Net:" Baby, you were the one asking for round after round and wanting me to go rough now it's my fault and I did offer to help but my assistance was denied" he says coming to lift me up from the floor as if I was light as an empty plastic bag

He then kissed my forehead and said " I'm sorry I laughed my love, don't be annoyed and you Net please "
I just nodded


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